Hard to be a God Review

The folks at Hooked Gamers have written up a four-page review of Hard to be a God, handing Burut's RPG a disappointing score of 4/10.
If I had not played some excellent RPGs in the past, Hard to be a God would definitely be an entertaining game. But now, having been spoiled by many games, gamers have learned to expect more from new RPGs and there Hard to be a God simply doesn't deliver. My first feeling about the game was that I had been transported back in time to the 90's but with better visuals and I must say that this feeling still remains. Modern RPG players expect MORE free-roaming, non-linear and open-ended game design from their games than Hard to be a God can provide.

As it is, the game is based on a book that sounds like it might be worth a read, but the game itself is merely a nice little action adventure with RPG qualities that would probably have struck gold if it had been made a decade or so earlier. Now, it is just a mediocre game with some good qualities and many disappointments.
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