Din's Curse v0.910 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1390
'¢ now try multiple times to start a quest if chance check fails but something is wrong with quest
'¢ made petrify quests valid more often
'¢ now a small chance that lots of people are petrified at beginning of town (getter77)
'¢ added IgnoreWidescreenCenter option to widgets
'¢ fixed background not extending to edges on main, ingame, and quests menus
'¢ added a shrunk quest (getter77)
'¢ fixed background on setup world screen in widescreen mode
'¢ added a lever that can unlock a gate somewhere below
'¢ added a quest to find a gate unlocking lever (Cadfan)
'¢ finally fixed a rare issue a bunch of text in the title screen was blocks (SharpCarlos)
'¢ fixed background on confirm turn off help screen in widescreen mode
'¢ increased lockpicking & disarm trap perception bonuses from 5 to 20
'¢ increased intelligence perception bonus from 1.0 to 3.0 (Valgor)
'¢ increased perception magic modifier bonus from 1.0/0.4 to 5.0/1.5
'¢ decreased perception value from 5.0 to 2.0
'¢ increased lure starting and level gains per level (L337GTIMKV)
'¢ fixed oil & ice no longer being slippery (Valgor)
'¢ disease clouds no longer stack
'¢ fixed a minor alignment problem with pet health bars (incognoscente)
'¢ now clear enemies a bit better on raised monsters (incognoscente/viper34j/Lyranaar)
'¢ added 8 Super Boss quests
'¢ normal npcs sometimes drop item rewards for quests now
'¢ no longer update damage dealt and damage at once stats when have instant kill cheat on
'¢ fixed return to npc text on some personal npc quests
'¢ changed protocol number to 5
'¢ now quest text tells you why the quest was failed
'¢ now get a better message when target npc on delivery quests leaves
'¢ no longer check item and magic requirements on explicitly specified magic modifiers (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed dynamic stat modifiers not working on items (FloodSpectre)
'¢ killed rescue, escprt, or delivery npcs can now transition to ghost revenge quest
'¢ reworded ghost revenge quest text a bit
'¢ more than 1 of the same unique monster can no longer spawn
'¢ now monsters can "upgrade" from normal to champion to elite to uniques with kills
'¢ monster kills of npcs and players now have better chance to upgrade monster
'¢ now uniques, monster groups, and bosses add to their success per kill
'¢ fixed InCombatPowerGainMult (Cadfan)
'¢ added Vendors Galore world modifier
'¢ normal items now get an above level chance and level boost
'¢ common magic modifiers now get an above level chance and level boost
'¢ now dagger is higher priority than staff on starting weapons (Cadfan)
'¢ added disarm trap magic modifier for items (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed talk to part of personal delivery quests
'¢ now group quests verifies that monsters were spawned correctly
'¢ fixed a small spacing issue on champion names
'¢ fixed incorrect death message when killed by an earthquake (Cadfan)
'¢ added gravestones (chest but reputation hit)
'¢ added Tomb special rooms (3 versions) (rune_74)
'¢ added Teleporter special rooms (3 versions)
'¢ added Torture special rooms (3 versions)
'¢ added an apostrophe to Demon Mastery description (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed missing punctuation in Hostage Question (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed Longbrook spelling (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed assassin quest text issue (Valgor)
'¢ improved low mana help topic (FloodSpectre)
'¢ moved HealHateMult to database
'¢ decreased HealHateMult from 1.0 to 0.33 (Lyranaar)
'¢ now check sight on raise dead monster behavior (L337GTIMKV)
'¢ increased lich raise time from 2.5 to 5.0 (L337GTIMKV)
'¢ fixed a bunch of magic modifiers not scaling correctly (mostly procs) (L337GTIMKV/Cadfan)
'¢ ice elemental/horror ice bolts are no longer homing (L337GTIMKV)
'¢ increased weapon/armor stands magic chance from, 250 to 400, was same as bronze but less items (L337GTIMKV)
'¢ can now raise dead on fading out bodies (incognoscente)
'¢ no longer get weird npc chat about killed machines (FloodSpectre)
'¢ decreased fire elemental cast time from 4.0 to 3.0 (Cadfan)
'¢ Shuriken now scales a lot better (TheRani)
'¢ added a deep wounds bonus to Shuriken (getter77)
'¢ increased whirlwind damage mult per level from 0.075 to 0.1 (Cadfan)
'¢ increased cleave damage mult per level from 0.1 to 0.125
'¢ fixed a problem where monster is registered as it's own killer (Worthstream)
'¢ toned down the totem effects some (L337GTIMKV)
'¢ renegades, prisoners, and Din's Cursed are tougher now
'¢ fixed background on resurrect and bestiary screens for widescreen centering stuff
'¢ now show dead hardcore characters on select character screen (Fosse)
'¢ made pit traps a little smaller
'¢ added bigger versions of alarm, spawn, and pit traps (getter77)
'¢ added highlight text to online manual button
'¢ added attributes to manual (Fosse)
'¢ added some of the stats to the manual (Fosse)
'¢ added special hits to the manual (Fosse)
'¢ added quests you don't have and gravestones to reputation help topic
'¢ added damage/armor total note to manual (Fosse)
'¢ added ego text to manual (Fosse)
'¢ added fragile materials to manual
'¢ added secret doors to manual
'¢ reworded bash stuff in help topic and manual
'¢ added more quest information to manual
'¢ added objects to low mana help topic
'¢ added can't move bags text to stash help topics
'¢ added drop consumbles on npcs tip to manual
'¢ defensive totems now have yellow health bars instead of red (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed an issue with dps, max health, equipment, and inventory worth global journal stats (bbragnar)