Pathfinder Online Technology Demo Kickstarter Drive Launched
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1629
For the past several months, the Goblinworks team has been working on three major projects. We've been recruiting talent to fill out our art and design teams. We've been working to make a final selection of the middleware that will drive Pathfinder Online. And we've been talking to investors to raise the capital we need to go into active production.
We announced Goblinworks and Pathfinder Online this past November because we wanted you, our community supporters, to hear about it first from us rather than getting hints from the grapevine that something was up at Paizo. Since that announcement, we've had amazing meetings with MMO publishers and developers, game designers, and potential investors.
We've had to do all three of these things in parallel because there are a couple of intersecting (chicken and egg) problems here. Investing at this stage of a project is very much about having faith in the people working on the project and we have some amazing folks who want to work with us, but they have careers and family obligations, so they can't just pick up and relocate to Redmond on the hope that we'll get the funding we need. We'll also need to show our investors specific details about our financials, which are affected tremendously by the deal we can secure for our middleware the engine that runs the game. Our business experience and social networks have provided us access to some awesome middleware deals that aren't readily available to outsiders, but sealing those deals is tied to the staff and funding issues as well. In short, we need to move forward before we can move forward.
And then the Internet Changed Everything. And the harbinger of this change is Kickstarter!
Seeing the Kickstarter success stories of Double Fine, The Order of the Stick, Wasteland 2, and Shadowrun Returns (to name just a few), we realized that Kickstarter could be just what we need to break through our roadblocks.