Dark Age of Camelot State of the Game
Category: News ArchiveHits: 909
One of our first initiatives is hardware migration. Each DAoC server and cluster is moving to brand new hardware, which is much faster than the current aging hardware. This translates to things like less server downtime for patch day and more hardware stability. Less server downtime can potentially result in more frequent patches and hardware stability speaks for itself.
I have seen some of you mention (super clustering.) This is something that has been on our minds, as well. However, there are some severe technical hurdles for us to overcome in order to support this. So, while we are investigating this, we cannot yet promise that it will come to pass.
Several of you have been asking about Origins. While I would like to be able to provide you with specific information about its development, it is not something I can do at this time. As the lead on the team that had originally begun the project last spring, I have a lot of investment in the project and would love nothing more than to deliver it to you as soon as possible. However, other considerations have come in to play since that time. Our plans are to proceed forward with caution and without jeopardizing the existing game and the subscribers who are happy with the server types we currently offer.
We will also continue to implement new features, address bugs, make class adjustments based on player feedback, and run events. We plan to deliver updates and content that will make your game play more enjoyable.
Lastly, we are looking at ways of making the entry to the game easier for both new players and returning veterans. A lot of people who left us are rediscovering the type of game play that only Dark Age of Camelot can offer. We are also getting a new wave of people who are experiencing it for the first time and are seeing a whole different side to MMOs. We want to continue seeing an influx of these old friends and new faces.
In closing, I am happy to be back with the Dark Age team, and I look forward to working with the team to give the game the love and attention it deserves.