Auto Assault Reviews
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Auto Assault is your basic MMORPG that tries to fool you into thinking its drastically different by offering car combat. Once you play the game enough, you'll find out that, even though there are some interesting differences in the game (such as targeting arcs and crafting), most of Auto Assault is exactly the same as every other MMO. The game is initially fun to play, but when you do the same mission 50 times over, driving around like a taxi service delivering wires and the like, it tends to wear on you. Auto Assault would be better with some more players you could challenge in PvP (where I think the real strength lies), but you still need to trudge through the sub-par PvE missions in order to compete against other players. I doubt that players who are currently subscribed to any other MMO will immediately jump over to Auto Assault, but there might be some new coverts who are drawn in by the car-based ambiance. Auto Assault is not a bad game, it's just not as original as you'd think. Auto Assault is just missing that attention-grabbing feature that would set it apart from the rest of the MMOs already available on the market. And the fact that Auto Assault requires a monthly fee will probably repel most players who are currently investing in other games. It's a nice game, but Auto Assault is just too late and not unique enough to gather a large following.
The second is at GamersWanted with an overall score of 7.5/10:
Overall, this is a good game if you are into driving games that allow you to customize everything from your skills to equipment. It definitely won't appeal to everyone but then again what game does. It is definitely a free-wheeling go where you want type of game. Feel free to just roam around and earn experience points via just driving around and destroying everything around or actually accomplish the available missions and put some structure around your world. Or do a little of both. The key is have fun doing what you want to do.
The third is at Jolt Online Gaming with an overall score of 6.8/10:
Auto Assault is, ultimately, the product of a different era for gaming. 2006 is an unforgiving time for online gaming, and a game as mixed up and inconsistent as this simply cannot make an impact, as hard as it tries with its meaty combat and awesome-looking vehicles. As a single-player only experience, with a few more months of spit and polish, this could have still been a much better game, but as it is Auto Assault is stuck in the past, desperately trying and failing to break out of a rut.
And the fourth is at The Gamers' Temple with an overall score of 74%:
Auto Assault can certainly be fun to play, especially when you finally reach a high enough level to join Ground Zero. However, the repetitive nature of its missions, total lack of player interaction, and the long wait until you can enter the PvP realm will turn off a lot of players. If the game seems like it would be of interest to you by all means check it out; you'll know within the free trial period whether or not it is the game for you.