Tainted Grail: Conquest Patch v1.00c Available
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1343

Awaken Realms Digital has put together a new patch for their recently-released roguelike deckbuilding RPG Tainted Grail: Conquest that introduces a save backup system, fixes some crashes and freezes, and deals with a bunch of minor bugs and issues. Beyond that, we get a neat little infographic with some gameplay stats and a quick word on the team's future plans.
Here are the text parts:
Hello, everyone! So it's almost two weeks after we've launched and we want to THANK YOU once again for your support and kindness. It is truly an amazing feeling to see the game we've worked on for so long being so positively received by its players. Thank you, really, it's just mind-blowing to see all of that positive reception we've got so far. Thank you for playing, for reviewing, for participating in so many discussions here on Steam and our Discord server and for... well, caring about the game so much that you decide to do this!
We're reading everything you write and we're trying to react as fast as possible and today we have a new patch for you.
We decided to publish this note as a bigger thing, not just a patch note, because this patch contains something really important - additional fixes and safety measures that should prevent either the horrible crashes that some of you suffered from or, if not the crashes, then at least corruption of save files.
But before we get to regular patch notes and explaining what's changed in Patch labeled v1.00c - we have something really cool for you! Here's how you've played the game since launch! :D
When you're playing as Wyrdwarriors - play offense, folks! :D
And with that - let's move to the patch notes.
MAJOR FIXESQuality of Life
- We've implemented a save backup system to ensure that players don't lose their progress if their computer crashes during saving.
- We've probably fixed an issue which was corrupting save files after PC crash/power shortage/etc. Unfortunately, we're unable to restore broken save files :(
- We've fixed the "freezing victory screen" issue.
- A new option in settings allowing you to disable quick cast of cards when there is only one target.
Gamepad fixes
- Super fast Meat-eating bug fixed.
- Fixed currency gain on Difficulty 15+.
- Lifesteal now heals the correct damage dealer.
- Fixed broken loop animation of the Wyrm.
- Fixed animations of Deer.
- Fixed water flickering on map.
- Fixed ending turn on keyboard (no need to hold the button anymore).
- Fixed disappearing items on the loot screen when playing on higher resolutions.
- Fixed the problem with extending masteries descriptions.
Locations and Story
- Reworked using an Ultimate with a gamepad.
- All-Mother's Altar should be always available in map generation.
- All-Mother's Altar's fight fixed - Exit should work properly.
- Futhark should provide correct runestones.
- Marketplace will show proper dialogue after overpaying.
- Mysterious Witch will disappear after you decide to Leave.
- Unblocked the Seeking Traveler questline (fixed a blocker of the Witch's quest: when you've refused to give him candles after getting the quest).
- Reduced the chance of finding the Countess in a really bad mood from 50% to 10%.
- Wyrdness events won't prevent you from leaving them anymore if you don't have enough money/hp/items (but trying to leave them will probably kill you).
- Candlemaker's nightmare shouldn't spawn anymore after you're done with the Candlemaker's questline.
- Gar runestone in Armor slot activates at the end of whole turn, not yours.
Passive Skills
- Duplicating Woolsey won't fill your deck with obsolete Pet the Dog cards.
- Deadly Lust now provides only one Lifesteal status.
- Chained shot now displays bonus damage.
- Blood Fabric now correctly interacts with passives modifying offering values.
- Apostate's Ante should always work properly.
- Apostate's Ante and Raise should be showed as active in combat.
- Apostate's Precise Sequence should reduce enemy's armor by correct amount.
- Zealot's Loaded Weapon should now increase player's damage.
- Berserker's Wide Swings should now deal damage.
- Berserker's Blood Oath now working correctly.
- Tier 2 Boss's Rewarded Patience has a counter.
Plans for the Future
- Bone Idol's HP bar looks empty after gaining immortality.
- Faceless Hunter now deals a maximum of 10 Hits.
We're going to announce more in the coming weeks, but there are two important things we need to share with you right now!So... That was a long post! But once again: THANK YOU for all the support and kind words and see you soon! :)
- While we're fixing bugs and preparing some Quality of Life fixes, we're also working on making the game run better and smoother on all PCs. If all goes well, we hope to get the first improvements ready within the next 2-3 weeks - we're testing things now and we hope that they're going to reduce the GPU demand of the game!
- We think that we're going to have German and French translations ready for internal testing either this Friday or early next week. Polish is taking a bit longer, unfortunately, but we're ALMOST done in terms of text -- and after text is done, all that's left is testing-testing-testing. So, let's all hope that we'll be able to share the translations next week. We'd really love to get this to you as soon as possible!