Wasteland 3 Patch 1.3.0 Now Live

Robots & Rangers, the v1.3.0 patch for inXile Entertainment’s post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland 3 is now live. Aside from a whole bunch of gameplay and balance improvements, it introduces the Tourist difficulty mode and a couple of fantasy-themed character costumes.

Here are some patch highlights:

It is a mystical time in the mysterious land of Wastelandia! Dragons are afoot, and rogue knights parlay with wicked constabularies to win over fair maidens’ hearts… Ok, ok, fine. None of that is true. There’s nothing mystical about burnt out Colorado in the post-apocalypse, and there most certainly are no dragons mucking about.

So if there’s no dragons and wizardry, then what in the hell is with the dungeon spelunking theme? Well, it’s a strange world, people dress up like clowns and dead presidents, and our last patch was themed after a bowl of cannibal chili, so, whatever.

Let us get back on thine proper track! Recently, we announced that Patch 1.3.0 would be getting the first set of free costumes, as well as a tease of a new difficulty setting: Tourist mode. Of course that’s not all, and this patch is packed full of fixes and changes to improve the quality of your life—which is our #1 goal.

Update: We originally said PlayStation was going to be delayed, but it’s not! All platforms will be published around the same time.

Alright, time to dig into the patch notes!

Wasteland 3 Patch 1.3.0 “Robots & Rangers”

  • New difficulty mode: Tourist

    Tourist mode is easier than Rookie, letting you enjoy Wasteland 3’s story, with combat difficulty taking a back seat.
  • New cosmetics!

    New Hair, Beards, and Pants have been added to character creation.

    The Handmade Wizard and Knight costumes will let you roleplay all your Robots & Rangers fantasies. Once players in have completed the quest 'Cornered Rats' they will find that a lootable crate has been delivered to Ranger HQ, outside of the base structure, near the transition waypoint that leads to Downtown Colorado Springs. Equip the costumes at the wardrobe in Ranger HQ or the clothing shop in Downtown Colorado Springs ... and attack the darkness!
  • Intelligence now gives +1 skill point for every point of Intelligence spent, up from +1 every other point.

    This change applies retroactively to existing save games.
  • The Book Learnin’ and Answering Machine achievements are now achievable.

    Note: The missing Book Learnin’ note becomes available after passing a Leadership skill check when first meeting the Patriarch and then speaking to Magistrate Silas Watkins in Downtown Colorado Springs.

    The missing cassette tapes "Kidnappers in Trouble" is in the Gett Family Homestead in a new container. "A Proposal" is in the Machine Commune, just west of Vivisecto.
  • Resolved an animation stutter that appeared as a framerate drop while moving, and was particularly noticeable on the PlayStation 4.
  • More actions are now able to be bound to keyboard and mouse, most notably camera panning. The game will also unmap double-bound keys to prevent input conflicts, and warn you about missing keybinds before you leave the menu.
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