Tainted Grail: Conquest Patch v1.1 Available on the Beta Branch
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1140

Tainted Grail: Conquest, Awaken Realms Digital's Arthurian deckbuilding RPG, left early access earlier this year. And right now, the game's developers are getting ready to launch its first major update, featuring two endless modes and some weekly events, among all the other fixes and adjustments.
The patch is expected to go live on August 17, 2021, but you can currently give it a spin on Steam's beta branch. Here's more on that, along with the actual patch notes:
Hi everyone! Long time no hear ;)
We've been silent for a little bit, but this doesn't mean we weren't busy! We have prepared a small surprise for you all and we really hope that you will enjoy it.
You've given us so much support during Early Access and the game premiere and we definitely want to give back by creating some extra content that you will hopefully enjoy!
So, let's talk about Patch 1.1 - Shattered Reality.
This patch brings 3 totally new ways to play the game!
First of all, we have 2 endless climbs. These are modes which are 100% gameplay-focused. You will fight an enemy after enemy until you will (eventually) fall. We found it's super fun, especially for players who finished the main campaign and just want to play around with different strategies.
Endless Misery
This is our hardcore climb created for all of ye power gamers wanting to get some proper challenge.
Endless Power
This is our “chill mode”. It is raining outside and you just want to chill a bit with some silly combos and crazy fights - like 3 Golems? Endless Power is here for you :D
Weekly Events
This is a mode in which you will get tons of modifiers that will absolutely change some core things about the game. Every week, there will be new, unique events and leaderboards where you can compete for the best score with other players.
On top of it, with this patch we are also bringing some extra optimization (especially for low-end machines). It's nothing groundbreaking but our tests shown quite a few extra fps - and that's always welcome, isn't it? :)
Overall, we are quite proud of this patch and we really hope you will enjoy the new modes!
Anyway! We want to release this update to the public on the 17th of this month and we would like to invite you to the Beta to test if everything works as intended.
This means we're sharing access to our beta branch and if someone wants to join us there and check out the new things, well, we'd really appreciate all feedback!
One really important thing that needs to be said:
You can find info on how to do that on our Wiki - here.
Section "Bugs & Fixes" -> "Where can I find my save files?"
Please remember that since this is a beta build, then it might be unstable. It is a rough version of our next big release, and this means you might encounter some weird issues here and there (but it also contains a lot of fixes and additions)
In order to join this branch you need to right click on the game on Steam, go to Properties, BETAS and use this password -> ZatanczyszZeMnaJeszczeRaz
We hope to make this patch public around the 17th of August. We'd really love to hear your feedback!
Entire patch notes:
- Three new game modes
- Optimization
- A nice surprise in the Title Screen ;)
- New UI for leaderboards
- Added Icon in trades that notifies you what a rune is equipped
- New UI for context menu popup
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to select first and last card with gamepad, when you had more than 10 cards in hand
- While playing with gamepad, targeting will select the last chosen target as default
- Added support for left analog stick in character sheets wheel
- Added quantity of equipped items in all trades
- Fixed font issue with characters in village
- Added VFX for discarding a wyrdcard
- Ghost, added a lot of missing VO
- There's a secret way to change the Bard's fate now.
- Sola Fide should be fixed now for y'all
- Shortened the time it takes for conversations with the Scientist to become available again during her quest (same with the Blacksmith)
- All village npcs should properly unlock in the journal (if they're not unlocked after recruiting them just have a chat with them in the village)
- Minor localization tweaks and fixes.
- Fixed missing art from elder archer's encounter
- Ethel runestones should properly remove armor bonus after slot change
- Wyn runestones should properly work with Wyrdhunter's Shock passive
- Thorn Runestone in weapon slot now correctly grants barrier
- unestone Yr updated visibility
- All-mother's Altar should be finally available for everyone.
- Fixed a bug that made tier bosses and minibosses not change after defeating
- Fixed a bug that made it possible to use card that is being discarded
- Fixed a bug with Necromancer's Minions dealing damage before losing rank
- Fixed an issue with Golem fight, where starting Moving Stones would have 1 hp
- Made calculating score from final boss more precise
- Quest cards -- fixed issue when in deck inspect card window would be that of a flip card
- Fixed a bug with unlocking characters prematurely
- Fixed an issue with flat damage bonuses not showing in character statistics
- Woolsey no longer is promoted by Blood Mage cards
- Fixed issue with Wyrdness Discharge not consuming HP
- Deranged Lifeforce no longer regains their status if stunned for more than 1 turn
- Various fixes to animation and VFX (Blood Carver got a new blood FX, Bone Idol has new projectile effect, Blood Mage's Golem has a correct animation when evading, Deers in Hunter's Grove have proper attack animations)
- Fixed some typos & translations
- Wyrm, Abomination, and Fae now correctly show how much HP they will gain with each rank/level/tier
- Soulblade now correctly reacts to all instances of damage
- "It's Mine" Achievement fixed issue with getting it too early while fighting with certain bosses
- "It's Mine" Achievement now works correctly with certain minibosses
- Apostate's Ancestral Knowledge should really work only once per turn.
- Apostate should discard Maneuvers that discard Manuvers.
- Apostate's Glimpse of Possibility second side reworked.
- Vantage Point passive fixed
- Power Drop passive fixed
- Apostate Idea initial card fixed
- Berserker's Crawling Fire card should display proper damage value in deck view
- Dance of Blades, changed visual effect effect to make it faster
- Inhuman Uttering is now usable while having more than half Ultimate Charges
- Fixed visibility on Delayed Punishment