Flail +1
Location(s) Outdoor Zone (AR4700) - Found within cave north of Xvart village Ulcaster - Loot from Icharyd Outdoor Zone (AR1400) - Loot from fishermen Baldur's Gate - Loot from Tamoko in the undercity
Kiel's Morningstar
Location(s) [ToSC] Darlog's Tower - In chest at Kiel's tomb on level 3 of basement
Mace +1
Location(s) Beregost - Purchased from Taerom the blacksmith Baldur's Gate (Iron Throne) - Loot from one of the baddies on the top floor
Mace +2
Location(s) [ToSC] Durlag's Tower (Basement) - Found on fifth level
Morning Star +1
Location(s) Gullykin - Loot from Drakar Outdoor Zone (AR3500) - Loot from Peter Cloakwood Mines - Loot from Drasus