These gene tonics are designed to improve your abilities during combat. All tonic effects are passive, meaning that you'll enjoy their enhancements automatically just by having them assigned to a slot. If you want to make use of several of these nifty tonics at once, you're going to have to spend your hard-earned Adam on more slots at Rapture's various Gatherer's Garden vending machines. Should you choose to assign multiple versions of the same tonic, their effects are cumulative.
Don't get pushed around - fight back with help from your friends at Ryan Industries!
 Armored Shell |
Useful in any hazardous situation, Armored Shell offers fantastic protection against life's bumps and bruises. Don't be a softie - use Armored Shell now! |
Effect: Increases your resistance to all piercing and bludgeoning damage by 15%. |
First Available: Medical Pavilion - Purchased from Gatherer's Garden vending machine. |
 Armored Shell 2 |
When the bullets and blows are blasting away, you need all the protection you can get. Armored Shell 2 provides more protection than our competitor. |
Effect: Increases your resistance to all piercing and bludgeoning damage by 25%. |
First Available: Olympus Heights - Found inside Tenenbaum's teddy bear gift after saving fifteen Little Sisters. |
 Damage Research |
Get more bang for your research buck with Damage Research. Carry your analysis further than you ever thought possible. |
Effect: Increases all researched damage bonuses by 30%. |
First Available: Hephaestus - Found on desk near EMP bomb casing in the Lower Workshops area. |
 Damage Research 2 |
Hit 'em where it hurts, and hit 'em hard! New Damage Research 2 lets you exploit your enemies' weaknesses even more than before! |
Effect: Increases all researched damage bonuses by 60%. |
First Available: Point Prometheus - Found on desk in the Mendel Family Library. |
 Electric Flesh |
Supercharge your body with Electric Flesh, the ultimate in electricity enhancements. Insulate yourself from harm with new Electric Flesh! |
Effect: Increases all electrical damage you inflict by 30% and increases your electrical resistance by 75%. |
First Available: Fort Frolic - Found in the Fleet Hall Theatre projection room after finishing Sander Cohen's masterpiece. |
 Electric Flesh 2 |
When we said Electric Flesh was the ultimate in electricity enhancements, we turned out to be premature. Now Electric Flesh 2 is even better! Be the shock-er, not the shock-ee, with Electric Flesh 2! |
Effect: Increases all electrical damage you inflict by 60% and increases your electrical resistance by 100%. |
First Available: Olympus Heights - Found on desk in Fontaine's apartment. |
 Frozen Field |
Leave your foes out in the cold with Frozen Field! |
Effect: Increases your cold resistance by 15% while adding cold damage and a chance of freezing to all of your Wrench attacks. |
First Available: Fort Frolic - Found on Martin Finnegan's corpse in the Frozen Tunnel. |
 Frozen Field 2 |
Don't let yourself be frozen out - get Frozen Field 2 today! |
Effect: Increases your cold resistance by 30% while adding even more cold damage and a chance of freezing to all of your Wrench attacks. |
First Available: Hephaestus - Found on desk in room adjacent to Andrew Ryan's office. |
 Human Inferno |
Human Inferno - the hottest plasmid in Rapture! |
Effect: Increases your heat resistance by 20% while adding 30% more damage to your fire attacks (including burning enemies). |
First Available: Arcadia - Purchased from Gatherer's Garden vending machine for 20 Adam. |
 Human Inferno 2 |
Human Inferno 2 - setting the world ablaze since 1959! |
Effect: Increases your heat resistance by 40% while adding 50% more damage to your fire attacks (including burning enemies). |
First Available: Point Prometheus - Purchased from Gatherer's Garden vending machine for 50 Adam. |
 Machine Buster |
In today's automated environment, you may find yourself up against hostiles not made of flesh and blood. Machine Buster gives you the edge you've been looking for against metal-plated antagonists. |
Effect: Increases the damage you deal to cameras, bots, and turrets. |
First Available: Neptune's Bounty - Purchased from Gatherer's Garden vending machine for 1 Adam. |
 Machine Buster 2 |
Machines are getting redesigned every day. If you want to be able to beat them, you'll need to redesign your own genes. Machine Buster 2 lets you put those bots back in their place. |
Effect: Greatly increases the damage you deal to cameras, bots, and turrets. |
First Available: Olympus Heights - Purchased from Gatherer's Garden vending machine for 1 Adam. |
 Photographer's Eye |
Every research photographer wants an edge, and Photographer's Eye is yours. Once you've spliced this invaluable gene tonic, you'll get the picture! |
Effect: Increases all research photo scores by 10%. |
First Available: Farmer's Market - Found inside small shack within wine cellar. |
 Photographer's Eye 2 |
Everyone has a hidden weakness - but with Photographer's Eye 2, they won't stay hidden for long! |
Effect: Increases all research photo scores by 15%. |
First Available: Any Zone - Awarded for reaching Rosie Research Level 2. |
 Static Discharge |
Ryan Industries introduces the latest in wartime deterrent genetics. Static Discharge makes you a walking Tesla Coil, zapping anything and everything foolish enough to strike you. Feel safe, be safe with Static Discharge! |
Effect: Inflicts electrical damage to any opponent that successfully strikes you in melee. There's also a 15% chance that they'll be stunned. |
First Available: Medical Pavilion - Found on floor in Surgery Foyer. |
 Static Discharge 2 |
Is your old Static Discharge not slowing them down enough? Upgrade to new Static Discharge 2 today! |
Effect: Inflicts more electrical damage to any opponent that successfully strikes you in melee. There's also a 25% chance that they'll be stunned. |
First Available: Any Zone - Awarded for reaching Leadhead Splicer Research Level 4. |
 Wrench Jockey |
Wrench Jockey bulks up your upper body, allowing you to wield club-like weapons with unprecedented skill and power! |
Effect: Increases the damage you inflict with the Wrench by 350%. |
First Available: Medical Pavilion - Found on cabinet in hidden room within the Kure All section. |
 Wrench Jockey 2 |
When your opponent has Wrench Jockey, how can you hope to beat him in a fight? By installing Wrench Jockey 2, of course! Don't get caught with last year's model, upgrade today! |
Effect: Increases the damage you inflict with the Wrench by 550%. |
First Available: Any Zone - Awarded for reaching Bouncer Research Level 2. |
 Wrench Lurker |
When fighting those stronger or faster than yourself, you'll need every advantage possible. Wrench Lurker allows you to make the most of your opportunities when your antagonist is caught off guard. |
Effect: Allows you to move quietly and increases the damage you inflict with the Wrench on unaware opponents by 150%. |
First Available: Neptune's Bounty - Found on walkway in the Lower Wharf after snapping three Spider Splicer photos for Peach Wilkins. |
 Wrench Lurker 2 |
Only a fool fights fair. When you want to take them down from behind, be smart and use Wrench Lurker 2! |
Effect: Allows you to move even more quietly and increases the damage you inflict with the Wrench on unaware opponents by 200%. |
First Available: Olympus Heights - Purchased from Gatherer's Garden vending machine. |