Lords of Xulima Interview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1543

Numantian Games' Lords of Xulima is the subject of a new interview with game director Jesús Arribas over at GameSkinny, where they cover such topics as the RPG's replayability, inspirations, first-person combat perspective, potential for a sequel, and more. A snip:
[GameSkinny] That is true! It's more rare now-a-days than unique then?
Speaking of inspiration, what inspired you and your team to become game designers in the first place?
[Jesús] Our love for video games, especially RPGs. We have grown up playing some of the classic RPG legends which then were a true challenge. We really miss the challenge of the old classics, that sense of being along in a huge and dangerous world. If you made bad decisions you died and if you made good ones you got your rewards. We decided to bring back that spirit and challenge of those wonderful games and we created our game studio and our fist game Lords of Xulima.
[GameSkinny] I can relate to that. The first PC RPGs I played were the likes of Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc. I have never quite felt a connection to an RPG like I did when I was younger.
Have you taken any elements from newer RPG hits, such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and the Divinity series? And what are your plans to support the Lords of Xulima after your ship?
[Jesús] Mass Effect, Dragon Age....? Not really, although all of them are RPGs (or action RPGs), they don't share any similarities with Lords of Xulima. Perhaps only the third person view in Dragon Age if you play it with the camera in isometric view. RPG world is huge, and covers lots of sub-genres. We think there is no other RPG like Lords of Xulima, we can say very proudly that it is true original, and a new game-play experience.
About the future support, of course, this is our first game and we are very close to the community, Lords of Xulima will continue to be supported for a long time. If all goes well perhaps we will release a Gold Edition with new and exciting features.