Too Human Interview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 882 There have been Xbox 360 exclusives in the past, and some that are designed as trilogies, that have come to PC. Is that something that could happen with Too Human?
DD: No plans for PC right now. One of the reasons is if you look at Too Human, we've taken the analogy of a mouse pointer and really moved that analogy to a controller. I don't know how we'd port this to the PC without using a controller. So there's absolutely no plans for the PC right now.
... Why did you decide to do a demo?
DD: We felt we had no choice. There's been so much baggage associated with Too Human and it's been, from a perspective of getting people interested, the only way, because it's so different... Too Human is really, in some sense Too Human is almost a reflection on society. We've created something where we've got this automated camera, completely different than anything else, we've got right stick combat, that's failed pretty much in every game prior to ours, and no-one believed it would actually work. We actually had people saying this is impossible, it will never work. We did all kinds of focus testing with Microsoft. We did a ton of focus testing - everyone loves the control system, it works really well once you understand it. But we knew that by watching videos and watching how the game plays that you'll never get an understanding through video, so we felt we had to absolutely release a demo in order to get it into gamers' hands otherwise people just wouldn't get it.
Most games actually because of the hype that's associated with them, a demo... what's the best way to say this? Some games get so hyped up, gamers actually believe that when they get this game it's going to cure cancer. So actually releasing a demo brings everyone back down to earth. But with Too Human it was just so skewed across the board, we had to say hey this is our new game, it works really well, it's really different, it's a genre bender, and we felt we had to release a demo or we were dead. So far it looks like to be the right choice in this case.