Welcome to the Deus Ex Utility section!
In Deus Ex, utility equipment includes the rebreather, fire extinguisher, etc. - essentially, any item that can help with a task. Note that the crowbar, a useful item for breaking crates and glass, is found in the weapon section since it incurs damage; other weapons can also be used for the same purpose, but you will find only non-weapons here.
Simply click the picture of any utility item below to bring up its description.
Useful For: Far sight |
 Fire Extinguisher
Useful For: Countering enemy flamethrower attacks |
Useful For: Distraction |
Useful For: Doors, Lockers, Chests, Trapdoors, Safes |
Useful For: Electronic security panels, Keypads, Alarms, Turrets, Cameras |
Useful For: Underwater breathing |
 Tech Goggles
Useful For: Light amplification