Fighters are experts at hand-to-hand combat, preferring the feel of a solid weapon in their hand
over anything else. Fighters may adventure for the simple thrill of battle, or sell their
services as a mercenary to the wealthiest armies.
Starting Skill: Bludgeoning Weapons (Agnostic), Cleaving Weapons (Nefarious), Shields (Druidic),
Swords (Atheistic, Virtuous)
Rogues are loners who prefer to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. They often
develop skills in lock picking and trap disarming, and they may dabble in unscrupulous activities,
from petty thievery all the way up to assassinations. Certainly not all Rogues are criminals, and
some have even become folk heroes while using their skills to help others.
Starting Skill: Bows (Virtuous), Divination (Druidic), Lore (Atheistic), Pick Locks (Agnostic),
Piercing Weapons (Nefarious)
Magick User
Magick Users are proficient in the magickal arts, as either a hobby or profession. Many people claim
to possess some kind of magick talent, but true Magick Users choose to make it part of their everyday
life, practicing their art every chance they get. The adept Magick User is both feared and respected
by even the mightiest Warrior. The adept Magic User is both feared and respected by even the
mightiest warrior.
Starting Skill: Elemental (all axioms)
Healers are people who promote the restoration of life. This doesn't imply that a Healer is opposed
to taking life when necessary; sometimes a few must die to save the lives of many. Some Healers work
through the use of Divination and spiritual faith, while others live by the sword, insisting that
healing cannot begin until the decay has first been cut out.
Starting Skill: Cleaving Weapons (Atheistic), Divination (Agnostic, Virtuous), Medicine (Druidic),
Piercing Weapons (Nefarious)
Rangers are scouts and protectors of their homeland. They are unequaled hunters and survivalists.
They fight hand-to-hand in combat only when needed, preferring guerilla tactics and ranged weapons
to win battles.
Starting Skill: Bows (Agnostic, Atheistic, Druidic), Cleaving Weapons (Nefarious), Divination (Virtuous)