Alpha Protocol Preview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1754
Suitable for short range encounters, the shotgun launches a cloud of small projectiles in one staggering blast. By holding down the Left trigger, you can steady the shotgun for Critical Hit that knocks down anything in its path. When the Left trigger is held, the Target Reticule will fill up with a circular indicator when that indicator is a complete circle, the next shot will be a Critical Hit.
You will always have one suit of armour or clothing on any mission. Armour provides Endurance, as well as room for special upgrades, though it is often at the expense of making you more visible and less quiet. Especially daring agents can forgo sensible armour to wear simple clothing, and sacrifice protection for inconspicuous clothing that won't hinder stealth.
In addition to your primary arsenal, you have a collection of gadgets to help achieve your mission objectives. It's a good idea to be sparing in use of these tools, as you can only carry a limited amount. The number of gadgets based on your Technical Aptitude skill the kind of armour you choose for the mission
The shooting sections are a bit of hit and miss for me. It seems like the developers have tried to implement a Gears of War like shooting mechanics. But for some reason it did not worked out fine. Many times I found myself stuck at corners or was uncomfortable to aim while I was in cover. The advancement points (AP) which I had talked about earlier can be used to improve the protagonist's traits. A number of traits can be improved on which will give the player special abilities like Thorton will be able to shoot multiple enemies at once and so on. Overall the combat element is pretty strong and as expected is the heart of Alpha Protocol's game play.