Well in this case the point is just to distract myself from work for a minute or so. I mean isn't that basically all the internet is for- keeping people from having to do crap they're trying to avoid? That's how i see it anyhow.
If the red stripe "hooray" dude helps keep me from working- he's my ...
Search found 20 matches
- Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:12 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: hooray distractions
- Replies: 5
- Views: 414
- Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:23 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: hooray distractions
- Replies: 5
- Views: 414
hooray distractions
Anyone seen these red stripe vids?
YouTube - dang right- another Red Stripe ad!!
YouTube - Another red stripe commercial
60 rather pleasent seconds if you ask me. Not a huge fan of advertising but nontraditional, quasi bizzare stuff like this is fine with me.
YouTube - dang right- another Red Stripe ad!!
YouTube - Another red stripe commercial
60 rather pleasent seconds if you ask me. Not a huge fan of advertising but nontraditional, quasi bizzare stuff like this is fine with me.
- Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:18 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: Favorite wine variety (spam on subject)
- Replies: 49
- Views: 2188
- Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:14 pm
- Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
- Topic: Game freezes at startup
- Replies: 11
- Views: 998
I'd be very careful if I were you. If a monitor starts screeching at you, it usually means it's ready to release the Magic Smoke.
This is very, very true and I know because it happened to me recently. If the noise level is that high, i'd have your monitor looked at, pronto. Once that magic smoke ...
This is very, very true and I know because it happened to me recently. If the noise level is that high, i'd have your monitor looked at, pronto. Once that magic smoke ...
- Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:39 am
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: Okay, lay it on me...
- Replies: 12
- Views: 1291
- Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:50 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: Okay, lay it on me...
- Replies: 12
- Views: 1291
dragonwench, curse you for posting that tetris link, the game is still very very addictive. Oh god how I feel joy when that red brick appears... :)
Quick question, does anyone know how to turn off the sound at that site? it's pretty jarring and I can't seem to turn it off. I can of course turn off ...
Quick question, does anyone know how to turn off the sound at that site? it's pretty jarring and I can't seem to turn it off. I can of course turn off ...
- Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:54 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: Okay, lay it on me...
- Replies: 12
- Views: 1291
Okay, lay it on me...
As of today you are looking at (or rather reading a post from) a jobless man.
Fine by me because it was a soul crushing job anyhow (though money is nice and will be missed).
But right now I'm taking time to do my favorite thing in the world, which is of course goof off on the internet. And if ...
Fine by me because it was a soul crushing job anyhow (though money is nice and will be missed).
But right now I'm taking time to do my favorite thing in the world, which is of course goof off on the internet. And if ...
- Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:49 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: What Game Are You Playing?
- Replies: 483
- Views: 47457
- Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:48 am
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: NBA 2K6 owns me
- Replies: 3
- Views: 841
I think in terms of basketball this year, 2k6 wins hands down. i've been a fan of the franchise for several years now, but this years game is just blowing me away. Basically other than watching "lost" my time on the couch has all been spent playing 2k6 in the last week and i'm enjoying every second ...
- Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:48 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: NBA 2K6 owns me
- Replies: 3
- Views: 841
NBA 2K6 owns me
I seem to have an addiction to this game because I can't stop playing it. Granted i feel that way whenever I get a new game, but in the case of nba 2k6, I think it might be true. I've been playing it basically nonstop (sleep and wok notwithsanding) for like three days now. But the upside is that 2k6 ...
- Fri May 20, 2005 1:49 am
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: gorgonbox
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1471
- Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:50 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: Amusingly Amusing Game
- Replies: 1
- Views: 531
Amusingly Amusing Game
In my attempt to do anything but work I stumbled across the following entry at one of the blogs I frequent:
clicken ze link!
Basically it's all about a flash game where you hide hot girls in your dorm room so there fathers won't find you.
Sounds dumb (and is dumb) but I must admit it kept me ...
clicken ze link!
Basically it's all about a flash game where you hide hot girls in your dorm room so there fathers won't find you.
Sounds dumb (and is dumb) but I must admit it kept me ...
- Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:30 am
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: mlb 2k5 - mine at last!
- Replies: 6
- Views: 1286
mlb 2k5 - mine at last!
Okay folks, i have mlb 2k5 in my hot little hands (well not literally, because i'm typing right now) and after playing it for a day or so, i'm here to report my findings.
i have to admit I had high hopes for this game due to the declining quality of mvp (don't get me started). As such i kinda put ...
i have to admit I had high hopes for this game due to the declining quality of mvp (don't get me started). As such i kinda put ...
- Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:52 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: baseball games?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 1277
frankly even if i could buy both- I'd still just go with mlb 2k5. mvp has been going downhill for a while now and it's kinda on cruise control these days, just more of the same, etc.
2k5 on the other hand changes the record and actually tries to improve each year, instead of just changing the digit ...
2k5 on the other hand changes the record and actually tries to improve each year, instead of just changing the digit ...
- Sun Oct 03, 2004 6:36 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: $40 store credit. Game suggestions?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 948
First of all woodshed, gotta say- love your signature. cannonball run is the sh*t.
Second of all, i've only had espn 2k5 for a few days now, but from what i've seen- i'm very impressed. A solid game with detailed players and just a very realistic feeling overall. Player control is tight- extremely ...
Second of all, i've only had espn 2k5 for a few days now, but from what i've seen- i'm very impressed. A solid game with detailed players and just a very realistic feeling overall. Player control is tight- extremely ...
- Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:49 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: $40 store credit. Game suggestions?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 948
okay not sure about driving games, but if you're into basketball, definately pick up espn NBA 2k5. its out and it very much rocks. that and sw battlefield (for the pc, so i actually have get off the couch now and then) are all i've been playing for the past few days. anyhow, check out 2k5 for a very ...
- Sat Oct 02, 2004 1:34 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: How do you find out about your games?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 855
i mostly stumble onto stuff when i see it at best buy. lucky for me i seem to have struck up a friendship with a guy who works there and he kind of gives me the lowdown on titles, etc. i tend to trust him because now and then he'll go "dude, you don't want that, it sucks." i guess if he was just ...
- Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:49 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: Which is better, sex or chocolate? (no spam)
- Replies: 43
- Views: 2280
- Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:25 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: The Great (yawn) US Presidential Debates of 2004 (no spam)
- Replies: 69
- Views: 3096
one of my professors pretty much summed it up: tonight's li'l show is nothing more than beauty contest. neither candidate is going to say anything new or reavaling, they're just going to wow us with their public speaking and/or presentation skills. it's just a chance for bush and kerry to walk down ...
- Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:23 pm
- Forum: Speak Your Mind
- Topic: The Great (yawn) US Presidential Debates of 2004 (no spam)
- Replies: 69
- Views: 3096