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by Revan12200
Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:55 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 162440

Mandalorianx wrote: and more then 3 other (spesial)attack, beeside the normal attack..
Maybe a special attack that is combined with a force power. Like one where the force flows within the person and increases that persons strength.
by Revan12200
Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:44 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 162440

After thinking about it, the ending of kotor 3 should be twice as good as the ending in kotor 1 as it is taking them two games to reveal it (kotor 2&3). That’s what I want to happen in the game anyway.
by Revan12200
Sun Aug 06, 2006 2:12 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: KotOR III Storyline and Remarks
Replies: 267
Views: 33054

The Builders

I think the Unknown Space has something to do with the forgotten race of Builders from the first game. I herd there is a side quest for them but I have not found or played it. I feel the Builders haven’t been fully explored as a possibility for kotor 3.
by Revan12200
Sun Aug 06, 2006 1:03 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 162440

Other than Jedi

If in kotor 3 there were other paths other than a Jedi you could play like a Bounty Hunter. Would they also be able to customize there most used weapon as well?
by Revan12200
Sun Aug 06, 2006 7:14 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: out of curiostiy...whats so great bout the DS?
Replies: 149
Views: 16109

I was jest trying to get at the idea that instead of a Jedi being tort light-side teachings and then braking them, there could be someone tort dark-side / Sith teachings and them braking them :)
by Revan12200
Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:46 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: Are You Too Powerful?
Replies: 2
Views: 1591

Are You Too Powerful?

Did you find in kotor 2 you were to powerful and this made the game less tactful. I mean by the end of the game as a Consular I would use force wave continually and my force focus would move a fraction down and then nearly recharge before the next round. It would take about 20 rounds before the ...
by Revan12200
Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:02 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: out of curiostiy...whats so great bout the DS?
Replies: 149
Views: 16109

I would choose the sith but then I would act like a jedi. Maybe this would make myself weak but who said the Sith inheritally had to act all mean and want to kill everything. Sounds like you’d like to have the option to play as an opposite to one of the Gray Jedi who completed the teachings of the ...
by Revan12200
Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:32 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 162440


i would like true lightsaber customization. Like being able to make the hilt and blade look unique. I agree, this would make people more attached to the character you are playing if you could customize ever aspect of a character. This also is one of the things that makes a good RPG, e ...
by Revan12200
Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:10 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: Honest Answers, Everyone
Replies: 199
Views: 20289

Revan's Story

I think whether having Revan in kotor 3 truly comes down to if Revan’s part in the Star Wars story is finished.
by Revan12200
Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:51 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: What Do You Want in KotOR III?
Replies: 1541
Views: 162440

The Time it took to play Knights of the Old Republic

One of the good things about kotor was the length of the whole game (40+ hours). This is impressive but I’d like to see more in kotor 3, like in Lord of the Rings ware the books took so long to read it felt like the length of a war. I feel in ...
by Revan12200
Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:21 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: This is how Kotor 3 is going to be!
Replies: 55
Views: 10322

[QUOTE=Elias De vere]In my answer about Earth, how about a blackhole, that would send them through time, because it would be cool to have Jedi Knights living and breathing among us, and you could have one teaching the almighty beard, lucas about the jedi and its history[/QUOTE]
I was thinking the ...
by Revan12200
Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:36 pm
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: This is how Kotor 3 is going to be!
Replies: 55
Views: 10322

[QUOTE=Darth Zenemij]
Flaw#1. There is only one master, and there is only one apprentice, the code forbids, no more and no less.[/QUOTE]
Revan and the Exile could run an academy
by Revan12200
Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:51 am
Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Topic: Bastila and Revan Fans: How would you want to have them back in KotOR III?
Replies: 363
Views: 63319

This is how I think KOTOR III should turn out. I tried to include Bastila and Revan:
At the beginning of the KOTOR 3 it turns out that Revan used the force to turn himself into the exile and in turn the exile turned into you. So the only way to unite yourself with the exile and Revan is to find all ...