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Search found 50 matches

by drazac
Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:13 am
Forum: Announcements & Feedback
Topic: Site problem?
Replies: 51
Views: 11650


I am having troubles accessing the website using Firefox v10.0. The advertisment won't go away, it is in endless loop. Also, the ad is always showing the blank page. There is only grey bar with GB logo, the timer and "skip this ad" button!

I am from Croatia (Europe)

Here is the link: h ...
by drazac
Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:18 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: What is your favorite non-RPG game?
Replies: 51
Views: 7691

Have several favorite games across different genres:

Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike v1.6 and Counter Strike Source for multiplayer FPS;
Far Cry, STALKER, Chronicles of Riddick;
Rainbow Six Raven Shield, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for tactical shooters

Act of War, C&C Generals ...
by drazac
Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:16 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

I bought my Jerusalem Bible 7 months ago. I didn't had a chance to read it all, cause I'm not reading like 50 pages per day, its more like 1-2. Sometimes I read just one paragraph in it, and sometimes there are days I skip it.

I am aware of the issues regarding the some events that have occurred in ...
by drazac
Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:04 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

I find the above response doesn't seem to quite tie in with a comment you made earlier in the thread
My friends and I, are not members of any sects. But if we make a division of different communities in Church, then my friends belong to Charismatic Church community. I, on the other hand, do not ...
by drazac
Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:48 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

So what you're telling me is that you arrived at your interpretation of the bible on your own, and that you're not a member of a Christian group with a single, unified, theological viewpoint? Do I have this right?

Yes, I have my own interpretation of Bible... as every other person who reads Bible ...
by drazac
Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:08 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

Then yours is not a standard Christian group, nor does it follow the usual interpretation of the bible, where this would be considered unacceptable. What religious sect (and I use the term in the traditional, not pejorative sense) do you belong to?

I am a Christian... i do not belong to any sect ...
by drazac
Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:26 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

Yes, I can see the problem, however, this is not true. Salvation is given to everyone, not just Christians!

Here is an example from the real life. Mother Teresa was a Christian nun and she devoted her life helping others. She lived in India, where different religions exist, like Hinduism, Sikhism ...
by drazac
Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:28 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

We used to have a Muslim member here, who's been inactive pretty much since returning home, and he could tell you the same thing about the love of Allah. And I know several followers of Vishnu and Shiva who could and would say as much. I have spoken to some modern day worshippers of Isis who tear ...
by drazac
Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:04 pm
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

I will only say this

I have two good friends who both have a gift of speaking in tongues... Both sing in a church band and several other plp in the band have the same gift.

They say, the feeling when they speak in tongues is magnificent and can't be described with words... they say that all the ...
by drazac
Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:35 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

Yeah, I know. It's amazing, though, that people don't realise that knowing the OT is essential for understanding the NT. The whole purpose of the coming of Christ is based solidly on the OT. Remember, too, the disciples and apostles of Jesus during his lifetime, and for many years after his death ...
by drazac
Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:25 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: Is Religion a good thing or a bad thing?
Replies: 94
Views: 11868

Fljotsdale, I haven't read the Old testimony, but I do remember some things that have occurred... mostly from watching biblical movies.

For Christians, like myself, NEW testimony is FAAAR more important then the OLD one, cause our salvation comes in Jesus Christ.

"God loved the World so much, that ...
by drazac
Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:26 am
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: Ranger class
Replies: 4
Views: 1272

Fepa wrote:would you post a build for it? thanks for the reply

Well... the best build is the one you make it yourself... so, keep farming and testing until you become satisfied with your build
by drazac
Fri Apr 24, 2009 3:32 am
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: Ranger class
Replies: 4
Views: 1272

Brigand (Hunting & Rouge) is the most powerful of all class hybrids... with right equipment you will kill bosses with one hit combo (spear and lethal strike)... for mobs just switch to bow and they will drop like flies... in the begging it'll be little difficult, but it will get easier each time you ...
by drazac
Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:58 am
Forum: The Witcher Series
Topic: Levelling Geralt up and Experience points.
Replies: 2
Views: 1398

Finished it two times at level 42 and 41... i remember spending a lot of time on grinding on all chapters till the end
by drazac
Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:22 am
Forum: Diablo Series
Topic: Predictions
Replies: 17
Views: 2886

Player wont have direct control over distribution of attribute points.
That means, if you are playing Barbarian and you level up, attribute points will be automatically raised.. however not all stats will be raised but only those that "fit" Barbarian character the most (that would be Strength ...
by drazac
Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:53 am
Forum: Diablo Series
Topic: Predictions
Replies: 17
Views: 2886

Why change something, that it is already superb and fun to play?
Just change the graphics and story, and if they feel like they need to add some new things while keeping the rest, then they can add as much as they want!

I'll just wait and c how things will turn out to be

I have enough trust in ...
by drazac
Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:32 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: When Grandma Goes to Court
Replies: 6
Views: 430


That was hilarious :laugh:
by drazac
Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:53 am
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: Outraged!
Replies: 7
Views: 1557

There was an article somewhere about two ex Iron Lore employs starting their own company and they bought two licenses from publisher THQ... those licenses were games that Iron Lore made or was working on before they run out of money... so one project is something about action RPG for box called ...
by drazac
Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:42 am
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: TQ-IT online problem
Replies: 3
Views: 623

Try reinstalling TQ IT... or go to official TQ forum tech support and ask there
by drazac
Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:28 am
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: Something messed with my performance
Replies: 26
Views: 1546

Do you have any mods installed that require you to replace database.arz in main Titan Quest IT folder?
If you do, copy original database.arz (version 1.1) and try running the fanpatch
If you haven't saved original file... try to find one on net, or just pm me and i will send you to your mail