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Search found 29 matches

by Azkor
Fri May 01, 2009 9:56 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: What's your ultimate, completely legal, power party?
Replies: 30
Views: 8425

I have always had lots of luck with the following party

1. PC paladin/cav
2. Minsc
3. Mazzy
4. Imoen/Yosh until spellhold
5. Jaheria/Viconia
6. Aerie

Jaheria/Viconia is a toss up but you need a better healer than just Aerie at least until the start of ToB. Minsc with the Silver Sword is just all ...
by Azkor
Fri May 01, 2009 8:37 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Broken romance
Replies: 1
Views: 373

Broken romance

Ok so some how I broke my romance in my current game. I cant seem to get the clua commands to work. What is the best method, other than starting over, to fix this?

I tried the CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("xxxxxRomance","GLOBAL",1) and got nothing to work. Any ideas?
by Azkor
Fri May 01, 2009 8:30 am
Forum: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
Topic: Viconia bug???
Replies: 6
Views: 701

Same issue

I have the same issue with Viconia, and only Viconia. She will walk right up to mobs with her ranged weapon/spells and attach. Very frustrating.
by Azkor
Wed Jun 19, 2002 3:02 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: patch readme?
Replies: 2
Views: 628

Thanks a bunch Fishhead.
by Azkor
Wed Jun 19, 2002 2:06 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: patch readme?
Replies: 2
Views: 628

patch readme?

Hey while im at work I cant read the patch notes. Could someone please post the notes here?
by Azkor
Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:09 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Morrowind Money Making Schemes
Replies: 57
Views: 27454

CJ got a question for you. I went into the construction kit but I couldnt see how to remove the ordinatoruniform script from the Indorial helm and breastplate. You are quite correct that indorial is the best medium armor you can come by and you can get a full set at low lvl if you know where to look ...
by Azkor
Mon Jun 17, 2002 7:00 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Alchemy: in the beginning
Replies: 5
Views: 728

How to become a master alchemist in 3 easy steps.

1. Go to Caldera to the mage guild go up the stairs behind the doors and steal the masters set of alchemy gear.

2. In Caldera inside the mage guild get a port to wolverine hall. Go to the imperial shrine there is a bald guy who sells marshmarrow ...
by Azkor
Wed Jun 12, 2002 2:46 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Constant Effect Speed or Jump?
Replies: 34
Views: 1739

You get plus 8 constant effect jump from an exquisite amulet. With 100 str and acrobatics of ~60 I make jumps out doors of maybe 50 feet. As a test I made a couple rings with plus 8 jump each. With 24 total jump you can reach just about any place in a dungon no problem. Including teh areas that have ...
by Azkor
Mon Jun 10, 2002 3:10 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Alchemey gear (spoiler?)
Replies: 2
Views: 486

Thanks for the tip I have never been to Tel Mora so I will give it a shot.
by Azkor
Mon Jun 10, 2002 1:46 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Alchemey gear (spoiler?)
Replies: 2
Views: 486

Alchemey gear (spoiler?)

Just looking for the location for someone that sells grandmaster alembic and retort I found a place to purchase the calcinator and mortar and pestel. With 3298 Int and 100 alchemy you can make 46hp a sec for 131 sec and 236 fatigue for 631 sec potions out of saltrice, marshmarrow and crabmeat woot.
by Azkor
Mon Jun 10, 2002 7:14 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Indorial Armor
Replies: 2
Views: 644

Thanks CJ I went and did that and it fixed it right up. As to the prima strat guide I wouldnt trust anything those monkeys ever produce. If you go into the construction set it says on each of the armor types what its classed as and indorial armor is "supposed" to be medium.
by Azkor
Mon Jun 10, 2002 7:11 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Do long swords knok people down
Replies: 9
Views: 774

Knocking people to the ground is a function of your agility in relation to the target as well as the precentage of the enemies hps you can do in a single blow. For example, if you have a good weapon ie ebony, daedric or unique and you wind up the attack have max weapon skill and a good agility ...
by Azkor
Sun Jun 09, 2002 9:59 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Indorial Armor
Replies: 2
Views: 644

Indorial Armor

In the TES construction set Indorial Armor is set as medium, but in ever game I have played it shows up as heavy armor. Is there a way to make sure this armor shows up as medium armor instead of heavy?
by Azkor
Fri Jun 07, 2002 11:22 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Help: Mage's Guild Problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1242

Sorry Reckless I wasnt thinking you would just try trebonius. If you want a detailed view of how to do this please go here:
Edit: Doh did have links enabled.
by Azkor
Thu Jun 06, 2002 1:41 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Help: Mage's Guild Problem
Replies: 9
Views: 1242

CJ the command is resurrect "trebonius" while in the mage guild. You can also use placeatpc trebonius 1,1,1.
by Azkor
Wed Jun 05, 2002 10:18 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Lycanthropy?
Replies: 2
Views: 482


Anyone thats played Daggerfall can remember the times when you ended up fighting the various werecreatures. So I am curious is there a mod out there anywhere that returns the werecreatures as well as lycanthropy?
by Azkor
Tue Jun 04, 2002 12:50 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Trainers...... (Enchant)
Replies: 24
Views: 1990

If paper can have 50 enchant points does that mean that you can enchant it with soul stones? I am curious because I recall having found quill pens and ink wells through out the game maybe you scribe the scrolls with pen and ink instead?
by Azkor
Tue Jun 04, 2002 9:37 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Trainers...... (Enchant)
Replies: 24
Views: 1990

S_S and CJ I am unsure on how much enchant a piece of paper could have but it could surely be handy as scrolls are right next to potions as the most usefull item. Instant cast time no casting failures and stackable in your inventory. I really hope you can make scrolls your self would surely be cool ...
by Azkor
Tue Jun 04, 2002 9:27 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Killed wrong NPC's
Replies: 13
Views: 749

Now thats funny I normally quick save about ever other fight and any time I go into a town or dungon. Its unforunate that to truely save the game you have to hit esacpe and go to save and blah blah takes to darn long. But then again I guess I am just too lazy to go do that and now its gone ad cost ...
by Azkor
Tue Jun 04, 2002 9:24 am
Forum: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Topic: Trainers...... (Enchant)
Replies: 24
Views: 1990

Good point about the staple items I have come to realize you pretty much need at later points in the game a good set of gear that has constant effects of night eye, feather etc. So I guess the only real benifit to high enchant skill is haveing the ability to recharge items quickly and use less ...