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by Myrr Disparo
Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:11 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Trade bar bug?
Replies: 3
Views: 1913

I'm confused, I thought I knew NwN2 quite well (not as well as scottg, but then again, who does?), but I don't know what a trade bar is. I know this does nothing to clear your issue, but I'm curious, what's a trade bar?
by Myrr Disparo
Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:51 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Weapon Finesse
Replies: 4
Views: 1890

That's exactly what weapon finesse does. It's not the greatest feat, no, unless you are going for a dex build, which, all things considered, aren't exactly top dogs. You're probably better off increasing STR and putting on bigger armor, unless you're going for a arcane caster, since THAT doesn't get ...
by Myrr Disparo
Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:05 am
Forum: Speak Your Mind
Topic: An interesting article I found on the Internet
Replies: 2
Views: 5856

An interesting article I found on the Internet

Here's the article:
This is a very interesting position on Bioshock: Infinite, and a broader reflection on the role of critical discourse and reviews in the videogame industry. More interestingly, to me, it also touches on themes of ideology and ...
by Myrr Disparo
Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:55 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: My HotU DD/Fighter/CoT
Replies: 8
Views: 2395

Money is an issue in HotU. Buying things is expensive. I doubt you can make 1 keen, max electrical damage, +10 enhancement weapon let alone 2.
Really? Weird. I always have enough money to enchant, at least, two weapons, possibly three. I go acid damage, keen, +10. I usually swap the acid damage ...
by Myrr Disparo
Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:39 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: My HotU DD/Fighter/CoT
Replies: 8
Views: 2395

Dual wield in HotU has the problem that you have to pay enchants to two weapons.

Money, however, like in most RPG's is no object. Don't use XP for something you can get with money is kind of a golden rule of RPG-playing, isn't it? And that's usually because you'll have tons more than ...
by Myrr Disparo
Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:56 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: My HotU DD/Fighter/CoT
Replies: 8
Views: 2395

(...) 27 DD 15: devestating critical
(...) devestating critical !!!.
Now, scottg could probably correct me on this, but my thinking is that, if you're going the dev crit route, a scimitar (or kukri, but scimitar is cheaper + more damaging), is the optimal weapon choice. Admittedly, dual-wield ...
by Myrr Disparo
Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:28 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Which exotic Weapon?
Replies: 26
Views: 4171

I'm curious, why? They all have the same base damage (1-10, 5,5 average), the same critical damage bonus (19-20/x2 in bastard sword and katana comes to 1,10 damage multiplier over time, same as x3 for the dwarven waraxe). I understand one may prefer more frequent criticals over more ...
by Myrr Disparo
Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:18 pm
Forum: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Topic: Already fed up again
Replies: 15
Views: 2726

I restarted Skyrim, played less than 20 hours, and I'm already fed up again with it. It's so terribly bland, boring & shallow. It's pretty, and it's vast, I'll give it that. But all the vastness in the world isn't worth anything if it isn't filled. I just finished The Witcher 2 for the second time ...
by Myrr Disparo
Sat May 25, 2013 7:53 am
Forum: Arcanum
Topic: A question for Technologists.
Replies: 15
Views: 4359

Thanks for the link, but it would break immersion for me, i.e. too much metagaming. It's not that Arcanum is THAT hard.
A tech run? A GUN tech run? It's not hard, as in, Wizardry 7 hard, but it ain't easy either. For the record, it's one of the most difficult tasks I've completed in a game. I ...
by Myrr Disparo
Fri May 24, 2013 3:07 pm
Forum: Arcanum
Topic: A question for Technologists.
Replies: 15
Views: 4359

Well, off the top of my head (it's been a couple months since my last playthrough), you shouldn't miss the bullets schematic (at any gunshop, as far as I remember), and both the eschematics at the ruins of Vendigroth (Vendigroth thingies rule, after all, +1 stats and a crazy good gun, Droch's ...
by Myrr Disparo
Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:15 pm
Forum: Vampire: TM - Bloodlines
Topic: Which patch is right for me?
Replies: 7
Views: 2599

Seems to me like you want the unofficial patch (Basic). No option for telling Heather to stay indoors, as far as I know, but that conflicts with your "no changes" policy, as it is a pretty big change right there. The True Patch... Well, it works, and gets things done, but, in my experience, is a bit ...
by Myrr Disparo
Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:19 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Here is my HotU character
Replies: 5
Views: 835

Fighter 4 should be enough for epic weapon spec, BUT you need to take it at a fighter level. You can, however, take both weapon spec (as a general feat), and EWS (as a fighter feat) if you take fighter 4 at a level where you'd get a general feat, like, for instance 36 (although I don't really ...
by Myrr Disparo
Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:59 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights
Topic: Here is my HotU character
Replies: 5
Views: 835

On a cursory overview, I don't think you can take EWS on a Dwarven Defender level, only on fighter or (which is probably a bug) CoT levels, so you'd have to switch epic toughness and EWS.
Other than that, I don't see so many levels in cleric as a good choice, specially if you don't have travel ...
by Myrr Disparo
Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:20 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Weapon Master OR Frenzied Berserker?
Replies: 5
Views: 1223

Scottg wrote:Yes, Spellcraft is very nice - but you've played it through already. Try a fighter that's more of a fighter, no? ;) Weakness can be a *good* thing.
Whatever you do, have fun! :)
Yup! You're right. So, Pewter Shard, a grey Earth Genasi is alive and kicking ass! Wish me luck!
by Myrr Disparo
Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:22 am
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Weapon Master OR Frenzied Berserker?
Replies: 5
Views: 1223

:eek: WTF? did I end up here..

Oh. :D

Sorry for summoning you, but building tips were needed, and us mere mortals count on you to deliver :p

Sort of like this:

Note: Tumble and UMD were causing me grief on the skill selection. Last I remember once ...
by Myrr Disparo
Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:01 pm
Forum: Neverwinter Nights 2
Topic: Weapon Master OR Frenzied Berserker?
Replies: 5
Views: 1223

Weapon Master OR Frenzied Berserker?

I cast "summon Scottg"! (Kidding, kidding, any advice wherever it comes would be nice)

I'm creating a new char to go through Neverwinter Nights 2 and MotB, and I'm thinking I'll create another fighter (my feinter gnome bard ended up being a pretty enjoyable experience, by the way). Now, I want ...
by Myrr Disparo
Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:14 am
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: In search of a 2D coop game
Replies: 4
Views: 1443

Are all 3D games a problem, or only ones with certain camera types (like over the shoulder or first person perspective)? A lot of newer games (like Torchlight 2 and Path of Exile) are in 3D, but they're presented like 2D games.

If it has to be a 2D game, then Diablo 2 might be your best bet. It's ...
by Myrr Disparo
Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:17 pm
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: In search of a 2D coop game
Replies: 4
Views: 1443

In search of a 2D coop game

I dunno if this is the best place to post this, but here goes:
Well, here's the thing: my girlfriend is spending a couple months abroad for work-related issues. Since being apart for so long is kind of a downer, we decided we'd at least spend some time gaming together, so as to keep in touch, as ...
by Myrr Disparo
Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:35 pm
Forum: General RPG Discussion
Topic: Languages
Replies: 7
Views: 724

Those of you who know me outside of GB may know I'm a bit of a linguaphile.

Now, is there a good way to find out in how many spoken languages any game was published? I can't seem to find a solid source on it. Wikipedia usually doesn't mention, unless there's something interesting to it. Amazon ...
by Myrr Disparo
Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:33 pm
Forum: Icewind Dale
Topic: Help finding information for abilities for Dual-Class
Replies: 6
Views: 985

You have to gain a level first, there isn't a fixed level. Are you playing the original Baldur's Gate or Tuto or Baldur's Gate Trilogy?
It's Icewind Dale, actually. He mentions it in the original post, and this is the Icewind Dale forums. Baldur's Gate isn't the only Infinity Engine franchise, you ...