This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
If anyone is still looking for Ekash's Lock Splitter scroll, I found one by accident in Balmora. In the alley between the back Tsiya's house and the...
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Yeah, you're right...
and worse, it didn't even work when I used it, and now its gone! Alas and ah well.
I am in my strong hold and when ever I put an item down, this bag appears and takes all my stuff! I have already gotten rid of my millions of potions...
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Oh great, looks like I will never be abe to build a bed out of iron daggers... well thanks for the help.
haha, I ask this because I was fighting Umbra, and he was running around in a circle. then he ran OVER the mountain into Suran, were he was still...
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The stupidist person I faced was this person in tel Naga (the telvanni tower with a huge shaft.) I taunted her, jumped over the shaft and she jumped...
Hey, I'm having trouble with brazilar's mazed band in mournhold, I can't give it to Gavas Drin, I have it but he won't take it, I have been expelled...
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Yup, you talk to Gavis and he tells you to speak to *points at upper post*. Are you even getting that part? If not try going directly there, and if...
And now Master Aryon is telling me I should wait a few days to see if something happens however nothing is...
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For the journal open the console - Journal “name of journal from TESCS” number associated with completion, then enter and close console, but you need...
I don't know if it's been covered or not yet, but does anyone know how to console command oneself into a certain faction? I've recently been wanting...
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I would ask you both to cease this useless display of onemanupship. :rolleyes: But in any case Alien Newborn's question has long been answered, so...
When Oblivion comes out will you still be playing Morrowind
A thread I recently saw over at Rethan Manor, and something Fable said in my Telvanni...
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so for the last while I've been downloading anything that looks good, even if I don't plan to immediately install it. That's what I'm doing as well....
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