This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I know skills are limited by the 100 ceiling, but what about stats? It's been so long since I played a game (and hit that point) that I'm wondering...
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that makes it impossible without some sort of tinkering then.. i have a str of 207 and i could have it about 260 or smth but then i'd have to give up...
I have been around Ebonheart and asked about the Lord's Mail, I found a trail that lead me to a key. Can anyone give me a tiny tip what to do with...
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There is a door and after you enter your in this room thats really small just enough to turn around in if you look at the wall it say somthin about a...
What do you guys like? Personally I like Heavy armour, just beacuse i know where i can get full ebony and daedric sets... I have never explored light...
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What guards are you refering to?
There are two types of guards in Mournhold; the Royal Guard with the red armor and the helm resembling the one of...
Should Morrowind be online? This is a question that passes my mind almost everytime I turn on my X-box to play morrowind. I know I'm not the only guy...
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ic everybody has a point... maybe the gys at bethesda will figure out al these problems :D
There's no interest at Bethsoft in figuring out these...
When I start the game and it is louding
and then iget this box
Chunk Size 10 too big
in chunk WEAT_ID in
form REGN_ID...
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Did you install Tribunal first, and then Bloodmoon? If you did it the other way around, you're going to have massive problems.
The mouth quest are most of the time to steal or kill guys for stuff. In the walktrough it says that I must either kill him or pickpocket. I4M A MAGE...
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Yes but even though he's exceted back into Telvanni the guards are not as forgiving so untill he pays for his crimes he's got alot of guards looking...
I have asked alot of questions on here because I only get to play Morrowind at my friend's house. I am saving up to buy a xbox and Morrowind. So I am...
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You can upgrade your computer to Morrowind level with the money for the Xbox. A mid-range graphics card and you'll still have money leftover for a...
So I was wondering what people's favorite accessories are, that you don't make yourself. Some of the game's pre-made items are so much more powerful...
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As a regular High Elf player, Denstagmer's ring is very useful.
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