This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
So I was wondering what people's favorite accessories are, that you don't make yourself. Some of the game's pre-made items are so much more powerful than anything you can create yourself, so I was wondering what people end up using.
Personally, I think the mage's guild grandmaster's Necromancer amulet is close to as sweet as it gets, but I hope there are other good alternatives. (Like the amulet of shadows) For rings, I've always liked the ring of raven eye found on solstheim, but there has to be other, better ones. I found the ring of the winds for the cult-quests, and that was sweet, but I'm greedy; I want more!
BTW, tips for finding good belts & such are welcome too...
maras ring is pretty decent. its in a tomb on the south east corner of sheoragard (sp). i cant remember the name of the tomb, but when you get inside she'll attack you and you can loot it off her cold dead corpse
the moon-and-star is also a good ring... i guess.. well atleest i use it anyway
1 ring i still don under stand is the ring of azura (sp) y wood she giv up such a dumb ring at the end of the game... all it does is give u nite eye and restore fatigue... THAT SUX!
i always run around with restore fatigue and night eye enchanted CE on some of my gear. same with restore health. it removes the need to rest. you can always see, you can never get knocked down from exhaustion and you barely need to use health potions. granted, for a ring its pretty weak, but those CE's are pretty useful
My favorite accessory is the Amulet of Shadows. You can get it relatively early, and it makes the heaviest armored, most noisy, clankity Knight type into a sneaky stealthy invisible thief! 80% chameleon + even 5 sneak = you can steal a WHOLE lot .
"Unlimited technology from all over the universe, and we cruise around in a Ford POS."
- Agent J, Men in Black
Marara's ring. I keep it as part of the staple gear for my Bosmeri archer, along with self-enchanted ring and amulet.
There is a ring that doesn't seem to be very good, but which did save my life on more than one occasion, and that is the Ring of Aversion (C when U, 10 sec invisibility). The first time was when I stole the ebony staff for Big Helende and Almsivi'd to Molag Mar and was immediately met by an Ordinator. I happened to use Moonshadow earlier that day, so I had to use the Ring of Aversion instead. You'd be surprised how much 10 seconds of invisibility can give you. Enough time for my Bosmer to jump into the waters near Molag Mar and evade pursuit.
The second time was in the Urshilaku Burial Cavern. I was out of health, out of scrolls, and out of potions. I used my Ring of Aversion to get past those pesky skeleton champions.
Of course, when I got the Ring of Khajiit, I replaced the Ring of Aversion immediately.
I Loved the mantle of woe.... but thats not a ring or amulet.... oops
ummm Shadowmask ring is useful, and i always found it amusinf to lock hundreds of creatures in the pen in solthseim using the amulet of locking, then levitate out.... greaf for improving marksman
Mag:Don't remember much at all of last night do you? Me:put simply.... No Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.