I recently heard about being able to travel to Verbobonc. I just downloaded Co8 5.0.3(is this correct) so all I need to know is who do I talk to, or...
Are there any more dungeon and dragon based games out there that play like ToEE. Currently playing the NWN series, not bad but i much prefer ToEE. If...
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Thank you very much. I will be ckecking it out right away.
I have downloaded patch 1 and it works.
However, patch 2 and 3 do not. When I run the patches it tells me unable to locate TOEE or some thing to that...
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I've heard that for many people the patches just don't work with the downloaded version. For those people I know of not fix that's been found. But...
Hey, this is my first post and I haven't been playing very long so please don't flame. I started thinking that I might need to add NPCs to get quests...
I apologize if this has already been posted, but for those interested, several people are working on a total TOEE conversion to (you guessed it) Keep...
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I just now posted this over on the CO8 forums but thought i might also get some news from cross-posting it over here, too...
I'm currently in my second run to finish the game and I'm already at the elemental nodes (already cleared the Air one, now doing the Earth node), but...
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Pretty sure that's it. The game was forced to a premature release by the tyranical overlords at Atari, and the designers I'm sure had larger plans...
Hi I have strange problem with some of my spells like magic armor , bulls strenght , heal and etc.. sometimes when I cast this spells my mages go...
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I think if you're within a short range, your caster will stay where he is. If you're far enough away, then the game makes him move, and when he does...
I played this a while ago, one of my favorite games. Did anyone else remember finding the Sword of Omens from the Thundercats, it was just a +5 or +4...
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It's a +3 longsword dropped by a Lamia in the temple.
It certainly does look like the Sword of Omens. Not sure if it was intentional or not, but one...
Is there a version of Humble NPCs that works on Patch 3? The Patch two version does not work :( . Alternativly, is there another mod which will make...
I have downloaded the patches, and can get the console to come up, but when i type in a command nothing seems to happen. here is how i am typing in a...
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Yes you are. You need to type it like this:
game.party .stat_base_set(stat_strength,25)
You're missing the []'s around the numbers and you have...
Sorry, that explains it. I got mine used and didn't get one, but I figured out how to do so on my own actually. I just got sick of having people ask...
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