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Anymore like ToEE

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Anymore like ToEE

Post by xraygord »

Are there any more dungeon and dragon based games out there that play like ToEE. Currently playing the NWN series, not bad but i much prefer ToEE. If any games like ToEE exist or are in the works I would love to know. Thanks.
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Post by Siberys »

Icewind Dale 2 uses the 3rd edition rules (ToEE uses 3.5) but it's virtually the same. Though, it's much older, so less quality and less features, BUT a pretty solid story if I say so myself.

This might be better suited in the RPG Discussion Forum though, since it has nothing to do with ToEE.
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Post by xraygord »

Thank you very much. I will be ckecking it out right away.
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