I decided that if I buy a handheld, it will be the DSi, mainly due to Dragonquest IX.
Do you know of any other worthwhile RPGs on the DS? I could...
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I'm not so much worried about playing them in English (They don't translate games into Dutch, and translations suck anyway), but rather that they are...
I'm probably going for Knight, Archer, Cleric and Sorcerer. I'd really like to take Druid, but I don't see any advantage whatsoever. Am I overlooking...
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Thanks, I never really considered Rock Blast a valid spell. I had too many accidents with it. Great tip!
I am sure half this forum (if not all) would like to strangle me for my looking for game posts :laugh:, but does anyone know of a good hack and slash...
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A bit of a late reply from my end, but I figure I'm one of a handful that has both Silverfall and the Earth Awakening expansion. The size of the...
Hello :)
What RPG would you lovely people out there consider to be your favourite? Personally i'm going to have to go for Baldurs Gate I, mainly due...
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For me, Baldur's Gate 1 is the rpg that got me hooked. It's still a good game, and I love the story and writing. Didn't like the sequel as much....
why do get I a relentless barrage of warning and questioning dialogs every time I open a new game or window , and how can I stop it ? #1 ,do you want...
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Run several spyware scanners in addition to virus scanners. That Internet Explorer is involved sounds fishy.
I have to say - underneath the red haze... Alpha Protocol is immensly fun. I've had it sitting on my hard disk for months and I've been avoiding it,...
Fellow gamers. I am at the 24th level in gothic 4, and I think I messed up. I cannot complete the game and am stuck by the city that I can't get in....
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Thanks for your help Scottg. You are right, this game is mediocre, and I dislike it immensely, but I cannot stand to get so far just to be denied. I...
I'm surprised at how few people *seem* to be playing AP. The Gamebanshee crowd strikes me as this game's target audience, yet this forum is super...
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some people have reported having the mouse-camera-lag issue solved by using an x-box controller instead, so it was a potential thing to try, just not...
well I've pretty much exhausted my current backlog of RPG games so I'm looking for something new. by new I don't necessarily mean a recent release,...
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I actually meant more customising the appearance, although stats are good too
it's kind of silly I know since it (usually) has no real effect on the...
My issue with the entire Elder Scrolls line is that the game always appeared to be too advanced for my computer which led to the game usually sitting...
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If you don't like the leveling in this game then you can download plenty of mods that take care of that for you like OOO or Francesco's. Assuming...
I was thinking of making a goblin, or more traditional a gnome, which is going to ride, leaned back in a light brown leather seat, mounted on a large...
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This should be in the D&D section, though.
To answer your question: use Leadership to get a Warforged cohort and mount him or her.
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