Aid - gamebanshee spell description (and it must be based on at least 10 in air
Why wouldn't you just make a potion with a few wolf tongues to jack your vitality up and then heal the damage the -HP from the tongues causes?? You get like 300 wolf tongues easily and you can have alchemy 10 as easy as air 10. Alchemy 5 with 3 tongues would provide similar results although you'd need enough base HP to survive the potion...
Regeneration: It seems like the regeneration is only effective when your weapon is sheathed. Is this just a convenience spell when you have so many HP that heal is out of date?
I definitely want to keep air 6 because its nice to have a good heal, bless, concentation and destroy undead. Lightning shield is good although other schools also have shields.
Air 10 would improve all those base spells and give a good mass damage spell and a level 20 summon. Not unique to air. Aid looks pretty sub par.
So seems like air 10 might be better spent in another school to diversify.
Air 15 would seem to pay off in that strength of gods would be insane. Same with resurrect. But I wouldn't even take Air 10 until I found one of those spells.
Edit - I've played up to 35 level and can now review the school properly (granted I haven't faced all the opponents!) I played on Medium Difficulty.
This review pertains to having 15 air and about 85 willpower
Level 1 (Lightning Bolt, Heal, Bless)
Lightning Bolt - This is all or nothing. If you play a mage and select it as your 'bolt spell' then try to buy as many copies of the card as you can. Otherwise just take 1 which can stun archers for a second. I think you can do much more damage if you put your energy into STR and DEX than WILL for all the mana you will need to use this spamming.
Recommendation: 1 card and don't worry if you don't get it. (one star)
Heal - This spell is useful. Very useful. You can heal damage while poisoned which regenerate cannot do (this matters later). (two stars)
Bless - you need this card early on to buff for fights and later on to carry loot. If you don't plan on taking much strength you will need a lot of this to carry loot. Otherwise if you are a warrior mage you will outgrow this spell as your space in intentory will be filled completely before the weight is overburdened. (two stars)
2nd Level:
Push - as far as I can tell pretty useless. Just back jump if you want someone away from you?? The damage is not that good and the range is limited. If you plan on getting close enough to use this spell then just use a weapon and build str. I wouldn't even purchase 1 copy of this card.
(one star)
Concentration - A must have imho. It works very well with Destroy Undead to make you the master of ghouls! This multiplies my damage of the next direct damage spell I cast by 640%. I have lighting storm which does thousands of damage. Otherwise by the time you get Lightning storm it is useless because you can do 2000 with each stroke of a sword.
(four stars)
Destroy Undead - Undead are hard to defeat without it. Against undead the mana efficiency of kills is astounding.
(four stars)
Shield of Magic - the % Mana to HP goes DOWN as the spell gets more powerful. Kind of counter intuitive. I guess when its 30% 10 pts of damage drains 3 mana instead of health? I haven't used this in awhile but if you had lots of will and stacked a lot of these cards it would be insane (because it goes by %). The problem with this spell is that there is no way to quickly recharge mana other than teleporting to a shrine. I would only use this if I was poisoned and regeneration wouldn't work. (don't know how many stars maybe with enough cards stacking it would be insane)
Regeneration - With several cards stacking when this is on sheathing your weapons will make you instantly heal. The number one cause of death I had was archers and getting surrounded. Or 1 shots by enemies I wasn't ready for. If you get in trouble and run away with this spell on (long duration) you will be healed immediately almost. (four stars)
Lightning Shield - Pretty Decent. A good suit of armor is usually more than enough and against hard enemies you need something more. Don't know how it compares to other schools shields. I would definitely invest in it if pure air. Otherwise Adamantium or Reflect Shield might be better from Earth.
This level is a big dissapointment. I think the only reason for 10 air is to take 15.
Aid - you get about a 1000 healing and 1000 bonus (temporary HP). If you have a lot of armor this is not needed. If your going to just absorb damage with a berserker maybe there is a use?? I don't like this too much. (two stars)
Summon Soul Defender - Her problem is that she does not agro. And she does not do much damage because she shoots about once every minute. The plus is that she lasts a long fricking time. You might as well have 1 card. She doesn't cost much mana and she lasts. (one star)
Push Wave - The title of this spell says 'imagine you are at the center of an omnidirectional...blah blah. It should say imagine you are doing very little damage and your mana is getting drained LOL
Resurrection - I need to test this one more, but I guess what you resurrect will fight for you. It is cheap mana wise. So it is a very powerful spell unless the shadow creatures are much weaker than their actual living self. Needs testing. I'm not sure what more copies of the card do other than raise mana costs??
Lightning Storm - If your a warrior like me you never use all the mana you have from a balanced character anyway. This is a good opening volley for 2000 damage to all enemies. Thumbs up. I haven't tried it with Concentration yet but I would if I could hot key more things.
Strength of God - If you intend to melee then this is for you. I get 120% more strength now on a character that already has 90 some strength. It doesn't increase carrying capacity for some reason. I think this makes air the best school for a warrior mage. If you take a lot of dex and want to still melee then this can compensate. Or if you have a lot of strength? Wow.