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How to become a necromancer?

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How to become a necromancer?

Post by Proteius »

Hey guys,

I'm kind of a noob in Two Worlds and I really want to become a necromancer.
But I cant find a person to teach me Necromancy.
How do I become a necromancer?
Help Please,...
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Post by Claudius »

You know the starting town Komorin? Go south down the path towards the stables. At the first chest (groms guarding) there will be a path heading west. Take it. Keep going west (another bandit camp). You should find a big lake with a teleporter in the center. Mountains rise along the west of the lake. Go up the slope find a spot where you can climb. (you may need to kill some boars and wolves. If you are low level I suggest purchasing a war spear - pretty cheap and effective against fast animals. Traps also help if you go that way). Ok now you hit a path eventually when you climb west of the lake. Go south on the path. You should hit a little town called Rovant. There is a man in black robes who can teach you: stone skin, alchemy (the most powerful 10 pts in the game), and necromancy. He will charge more gold the higher the level you are.

Necromancy is powerful I hear. I only have 1 pt in it but I plan on gaining the ability to cause disease and poison clouds eventually = 6 pts. I'm going 15 air 10 earth 6 necro 3 water 1 fire.
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