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Hat off doom or protection

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Hat off doom or protection

Post by H411 »

:devil: Is there any sure fire way to now what wizard hat you are going to get? :angel:
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Post by DragonPaladin »

I don't think there is a way to know - with me the game always chooses to give the Good books first - I'm not sure how it decides which books to give in which order. However there is a way to get the hat you want.

If you want to get the Dark Wizard hat, collect ONLY Bad books - these can be usually found in the houses in Oakvale and Bowerstone South. For the Bright Wizard hat, collect ONLY Good books - these are obtained in The Heroes Guild.

If you've mixed your books up already, then try selling the books you don't want - some shopkeepers actually want the books.

Hope this helps
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Through pain and torture, I shall not falter
With Dragon n' Sword, I'll burn every horde
Evil will fail and Justice prevail...
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Mr Daniiel
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Post by Mr Daniiel »

you can get both, this is the trick :p lay the game until the archeologist quest(the quest you get from maze after completing find the bandit seerress quest). Get only bad or good books first. teleport to witchwood. it says the quest is loaded and you are on it but you can teleport away.teleport to Bowerstone south and give the good or bad books to the get 1 of the hats.hero save now.reload and now collect the other books and get the other hat et voila.
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