So far my char has been Adept/paladin/fight/samurai.
I want to ascend to the hatamoto role.But i have been given quests by both the celestial and eastern my question is it possible to complete both the quests and then becoming hatamoto afterwards?thanx for your kind reply
2 Guild quests?
I can't remember. Either the celestial quest will make you turn into a crusader which will mean you cannot become a hatamoto. I don't think thats it.
Or, the celestial quest QUALIFIES you to follow the crusader path and perhaps some treasure too. So it wouldn't lock in your tier 5 class.
If I were you I'd wait to do the celestial thing until I had ascended Hatamoto or at least had it in grey not yet activated. Then go ahead and try and get some treasure from the celestial side.. As always save the game in multiple slots!!
Or, the celestial quest QUALIFIES you to follow the crusader path and perhaps some treasure too. So it wouldn't lock in your tier 5 class.
If I were you I'd wait to do the celestial thing until I had ascended Hatamoto or at least had it in grey not yet activated. Then go ahead and try and get some treasure from the celestial side.. As always save the game in multiple slots!!
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.