Note: I'll use wands for direct damage.
Also, I generally don't like cloud-type spells. They seem cheap to me. Incindiary Cloud, though, is the best damage in the game (500 average damage per person at level cap!), and Sphere of Chaos randomly turns enemies into squirrels, dust, charred corpses, or statues! Sounds fun.
1Charm (Better "dmg" than MM.)
1Sleep (How do people live without this spell in BGI?!)
5PEvil(AC bonus (indirectly) and save bonus against evil.)
7CO (Poor-man's FoD. L9: 3CO=27dmg + 3 chances at petrify versus 3MM=52.5dmg. Personal preference: I'll take CO.)
4Glitterdust (Poor-man's GM.)
5Mirror Image (Main defense against casters and traps.)
11Blur (AC and save bonus.)
6Lightning Bolt (If LB does damage three times, it does more dmg than MMM. Plus, it remains useful forever. Note: Use with Cloak of Reflecting = Unspeakable carnage - upwards of 200 damage.)
7Skull Trap
9Minor Spell Defl (Against traps)
11Dispel Magic (Solo sorc, so I'll be higher level. I'd rather throw this a few times than one or two higher level protection strippers.)
22Haste (For Mord Swords and Shapechange.)
8Polymorph Other!
13Improved Invis or TPField (I prefer Impr Invis + SI: Div.)
23Farsight (No Spirit Armor because by this time, my AC shouldn't matter much at all, and I'll have PMEnergy.)
10Dominate (Indirect direct damage spell. Works on all creatures...not sure about undead.)
11Lower Resistance
13Spell Immunity (abj:anti-imprisonment;div:cast by PIs and they can't be dispelled; abj + div:impr.invis can't be dispelled;ench:anti-charm)
15Breach (Everyone loves this spell. I'd use it to strip PMagic Energy, PElem, PEnergy, but is necessary? I can just use MordSwords on the caster. If the caster throws up a mantle, I'll just wait a few rounds.)
28Cone of Cold (Same dmg as ST.)
12Flesh to Stone
13PMagic Weapons
15PMagic Energy (Mord Swords are immune to everything but pure magic damage, I believe. This fixes that problem!)
21Death Spell (Kill summoned.)
30True Sight or Mislead (Skip True Sight, as I don't need to do direct damage to kill wizards. Mislead apparently refreshes invis everytime you break it. Leave the clone somewhere safe and enjoy your brie, or just enjoy a short duration, refreshable invis.)
15Finger of Death or Sphere of Chaos (SoC will do very bad things to opponents 66% of the time, a neutral effect 11% of the time, and negligibly good things 22% of the time.)
17Proj Image
22LWish (Bunny army of distraction!)
31Spell Sequencer
Scrolls of Spell Turning for Sightless eye.
16PWBlind (Buys time to Maze people.)
17Horrid Wilting (Although IC does nuts dmg, it's a bit too cheesy for me. HW does minimally more damage than ST and CoC, so I may skip it altogether and pick something else, but what?)
19Spell Trigger
23Maze (Buys time during fight and doesn't destroy equipment.)
32Pierce Shield (For Ravager.)
18Shapechange (Iron Golem means I'm immune to most things. Mindflayer can kill by stat drain.)
19Chain Contingency
20Spell Strike (Anti-Spell Trap.)
25Imprisonment (If Maze isn't working...last resort. May skip it for something else...but what?)
36Timestop (Do I really need this spell?)
1.Does the Belt of Inertia need 19 STR to equip?
2.How will I deal with the Sirens in BGI? Are there anti-charm items for the mage in BGI?
3.Does Minor Spell Deflection protect against traps?
Thanks for any comments!