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Turning a Blind Eye/Arrow of Extrication help

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Turning a Blind Eye/Arrow of Extrication help

Post by nightinferno »

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing now. I gave the stone to the Grey Fox and now I'm supposed to wait until he calls on me. There's a problem with that though, I gave him the stone over a hundred game days ago. I have fenced over 3000 gold in items and I still haven't been called upon by the Grey Fox again. The quest update on it tells me about the Monks of the Ancestor Moths, about them reading the Elder Scrolls which makes them blind and how they retire to the underground temple. It says that after it tells about the Grey Fox rewarding me. So I was wondering if I did something wrong, if I should just keep waiting , or anything else to do cause I'm confused.
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Post by Xtreme_monster »

well go to the waterfront wait for a day and then amusei should show up telling you that greyfox want to meet you... good luck
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Post by nightinferno »

Well, I did that and still nothing. I think that I might have glitched the quest or something, somehow. Oh well...I'll probably just start another game (I was planning on doing this soon anyways). But if anyone else has any advice please share.
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Post by errol0783 »

the gray fox

go 2 the waterfront and keep takeing 3-4 slep on the begers bed that alwas sped up my grey fox meeting
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Post by errol0783 »

what i ment 2 say

go and sleep on the beggers bed in the waterfront as this always spead up my mettings with the gray fox (my spellings a bit bad ) :o
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Post by nightinferno »

Yea...I tried that, didn't work. I'm only doing the thieves guild quests for xbox live gamerscore points, I only need to advance one more time and achieve the top rank to complete it. Once I do that, then I'm heading back to side quests. Anyways, I just started another game and only doing the thieves guild quests, so far I have only 4 more to go...again. I should have it done by tomorrow cause I'm takin a break from it right now.
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Post by crummyrummy »

[QUOTE=errol0783]go 2 the waterfront and keep takeing 3-4 slep on the begers bed that alwas sped up my grey fox meeting[/QUOTE]
what if your a vampire, I have this exact problem and sleeping 3-4 days outdoors is kinda a problem.
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Post by Madd069 »

Make sure Independent thievery is your active quest. And you can be outdoors during daylight if your a vampire if you drank blood the night before. Sometimes I have to drink a persons blood 3-4 times, but still no harm.
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Post by Raging Angel »

hey crummrummy there is an abandoned shack right near the outdoor bed, as far as i know the lizard dude will walk on in like the messenger and tell ya that you are once again called upon.... But i could be wrong.
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Post by crummyrummy »

Thanks, I actaully figure out what my problem with the Vampire Cure was....I can stay out during the day now...but I sure miss that hunters site.
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Post by stkygrn »

ok im having the same problem.... im not a vampire... ive waited like... 100 game days in the imperial city.. then i tried it in bruma... ive given the gray fox the stone... i read somewhere that i should have gotten a note out of a chest in the moth temple place.... and that i should have confronted the gray fox about that before giving him the stone... but i didnt... so after i read that i went back and got the note and confronted him.. nothing happend... im still in bruma waiting... any tips????
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Post by Ayleidata »

If you triggered the Gray Fox quests prematurely (for example, because of the Temple of the Ancestor Moths glitch), make sure to finish all of the other Thieves guild rank advancement quests before you complete the Arrow of Extrication quest. If not, the other quests will reset your guild rank and trigger a serious bug during the Ultimate Heist.
Also, sometimes the Gray Fox won't appear at Malintus Ancrus's house. Malintus Ancrus will tell you not to keep the Gray Fox waiting but he will never show up. What you need to do instead is go to Helvius Cecia's house in Bruma which is where he met with you for the Turning a Blind Eye quest. There is currently no patch or reason for this glitch. After you've gotten the arrow the Gray Fox will still be in Bruma.
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Post by stkygrn »

yeah i know wat your saying.. but wat im saying is that the argonian hasnt come to tell me to meet the gray fox... ive went back to the gray fox a million times... but i get nothing... im still waiting for the argonian messanger... oh... and im on the ps3....
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Post by oblivionwaste »

hey umm i think my game glitched or something cuz after the arrow of extracation quest i gave the gray fox the arrowhead and i looked up that i had to fence 800 gold which i did and Amusei hasnt come to tell me about the boots of sprigheel jack quest even though ive waited for like 5 game days
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Post by firedagger6 »

im having pretty much the same problem except it is with the ultimate heist i have waited over a month in game days and still i havent gotten a journal update saying the grey fox is looking for me it still says i have fenced over 800 gold which is the requirment for boots of springheel jack.....ive gotten 1,555 fenced gold and ideas on how i could get my journal update? :confused:

ive spoken to the grey fox in cheydinhal and all he says is "not now. im thinking"...... please help me this is the last achievement i need for oblivion :confused:

im on XBOX 360
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Post by Master David »

Find Amusei (try every major cities) and speak to him.

If you are near him and he whisper "Hold on I have a message/something to tell you" (I forgot the exact sentence), then you are on the right track
There is nothing you can't do, at least if you have enough patience to keep trying.
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Post by ConallSomerled »


All right, time to work.

Some of you haven't completed the quests in order. I'm not sure why it happens, likely the mentioned Moth glitch thing. It happened with my brother's character. You need to restart your game if you want to continue, then do ALL the thieves guild quests IN ORDER. Otherwise, it's glitched and buggy. It could really mess up the rankings and other quests.

Trust me, it's cool that you do one or two quests for the guild, do some exploring, and suddenly you can do the big quests. But don't. Don't even visit the Grey Fox until you complete the other, lower echelon quests.
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Post by semtex »

jesus christ guys!!!!

Dear not sure why anyone didn't succeded yet..but if u go in imperial city,in that boat TAVERN..or whatever methrendel will come and inform you,or elven garden...but it will sure come to u in that doesnt matter if ur a vampire or not!!!!..and u can wait inside, ;) ;) ;) :cool:
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