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Is there any point to using a crossbow other than RPing?

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Is there any point to using a crossbow other than RPing?

Post by ShadowOnTheSun »

When it comes to appearance i prefer crossbows than bows but its hard to use a crossbow in nwn because you need to take feats just to make it work properly (rapid reload) and bows have so many feats that help and also get mighty.

so is there a way to make crossbows worth wasting a feat on rapid reload for? cuz i would really like to see my drow fighter/assassin be more drow like when he feels like sniping a bit :cool: (right now when i feel like sniping i use a longbow or throwing axe :( )
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Post by Xandax »

Cross bow is good for some classes who have proficiency with the weapon, so they can get a ranged attack without having to take a bow weapon proficiency.
And there are some good cross bows in the game as well.

But other then that - if using a character that can use bows, I'd personally opt for the bow.
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Odd Gamer
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Post by Odd Gamer »

Without feats the crossbow is still in some ways better than the bow. it has a greater crit chance than the bow (though only x2 without feats) and does more damage. the bow is good for classes that like having a bow such as the AA but both weapons are fairly even unless you are specing to be otherwise, more feats are there for the bow, but many of them have high requirements, so in order to reach them you have to spec to be good with them and will take hits to other ability.
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