NPC Armor
NPC Armor
In Fallout 2, is there any way to give NPC's better armor, or are they just stuck with they're orginal armor (or lack thereof) from beginning to end?
Yes, you trade them the armor you want them to wear, and then you go to combat control (a button when you speak with them) and click on the button: use best armour. So it should say what type of armor they are now wearing, but their appearance will remain the same.
You can download unoffical Fallout 2 pach from No Mutants Allowed and when installing it you can turn on the NPC armor mod, so they'll change their appearance according to the armor they wear, but in the "original game" their apearance remains the same with any armor except they are better protected.
You can download unoffical Fallout 2 pach from No Mutants Allowed and when installing it you can turn on the NPC armor mod, so they'll change their appearance according to the armor they wear, but in the "original game" their apearance remains the same with any armor except they are better protected.