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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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Odd Gamer
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Joined: Sun May 11, 2008 12:38 pm


Post by Odd Gamer »

Well here is the deal, I am thinking of running through NWN 2 four times. I have already started my first run as a NG wizard 5/eldric knight 10/Acrane Scho 10/Harper Agent 5 (only a lvl 5 wiz, 3 arcane scho, and 5 eldric at this time) Now I figure I will keep with this build for the time being but the other three characters I was wanting to work on was of the other three primary Alignments charactes. The so far are (and yes I like my spell casters).
(still thinking about race)

Rogue9/Wizard11/ Arcane Trickster 10/ Shadow Dancer1

Warlock 30

Sorcerer 10/Eldric Knight 10/Blackguard 3/RDD7

So any suggestions, worlds yada you like to throw in go for it.
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Post by Scottg »

Odd Gamer wrote:Well here is the deal, I am thinking of running through NWN 2 four times. I have already started my first run as a NG wizard 5/eldric knight 10/Acrane Scho 10/Harper Agent 5 (only a lvl 5 wiz, 3 arcane scho, and 5 eldric at this time) Now I figure I will keep with this build for the time being but the other three characters I was wanting to work on was of the other three primary Alignments charactes. The so far are (and yes I like my spell casters).
(still thinking about race)

Rogue9/Wizard11/ Arcane Trickster 10/ Shadow Dancer1

Warlock 30

Sorcerer 10/Eldric Knight 10/Blackguard 3/RDD7

So any suggestions, worlds yada you like to throw in go for it.
For your LN character.. Rogue *10* for crippling strike which will allow you epic precision at epic levels (wizard should take the hit level-wise). Your sneak attack will become increasingly important in MOTB (so you'll want epic precision).

For your CN consider an evil character instead for Warlock 28 and Blackguard 2 - which gives additional save bonuses that stack with the Dark Ones Own Luck. BTW, you might want to do a "warlock" search here in this forum (I've got a post that explains its best features, which are sometimes overlooked).

For your NE - *kill* the Blackguard levels and stick with the RDD to 10, otherwise your wasting strength points (hit and damage modifiers). Also consider a pure Bard instead of the Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight route - better BAB at most levels WITH + hit & Damage bonuses available (..and *lots* of skill points). Additionally the spell listing (number of spells to cast) and higher levels spells can be a bit mediocre in actual game-play.
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