Neshka? I mean all the other non-lockpicking classes are pretty much hopeless on getting the good items that are locked up in boxes without mashing them into dust...
Besides me becoming a theif...which I have thought out, but I still want to finish out my barbarian. Are we only getting the crapy loots if we dont keep a perminent spot for Neshka? Those locked doors/boxes are eyeing me soooo badly, I feel like mashing them. :mischief:
Can I realy get the most out of the game without...
1 option if you don't want to take Neeshka AND you don't want to be a full rogue is to take 1 level of rogue and use the ABLE learner feat. Then you need enough intelligence to take all the skills you want plus 'open locks'. If you can fit in disable device and search then great but you can get around that with healing/regeneration (as Xandax says just take the traps damage).
Theres no other NPC with open locks as a class skill.
Neeshka can actually deal a lot of damage though. By level 15 you can give her two weapon fighting (TWF), improved TWF, and greater TWF which will grant her 6 attacks. Give her the +3 Rapier and +3 dagger and by virtue of many attacks she is fair warrior and when flanking she'll take them down FAST. You have to get her armor class high enough so she doesn't die. I use her with Elanee and thats good for barkskin.
Theres no other NPC with open locks as a class skill.
Neeshka can actually deal a lot of damage though. By level 15 you can give her two weapon fighting (TWF), improved TWF, and greater TWF which will grant her 6 attacks. Give her the +3 Rapier and +3 dagger and by virtue of many attacks she is fair warrior and when flanking she'll take them down FAST. You have to get her armor class high enough so she doesn't die. I use her with Elanee and thats good for barkskin.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Wow, thanks for the great tip, I thought she was just supposed to hide then chop them from behind all the time, but now that I know shes more of a damage dealer in close range I might use her more. 6 attacks per round, thats manic!
Makes me think of makeing a Barbarian/Theif/Ranger (two hand) build, anyway thank you, im keeping this as a fave
Makes me think of makeing a Barbarian/Theif/Ranger (two hand) build, anyway thank you, im keeping this as a fave
Yeah she'll get sneak attacks too. I was watching her AI and she was sneak attacking. Then the guy she attacked turned to face her. She ran away and sneak attacked another guy which is what I want her to do. I don't think the AI is as good as a player would be. Your attacks are divided into 3 segments 2/2/2. Only the first segment do you get sneaks since the enemy will turn around.
[Note: rogues get sneak attacks whenever the enemy is not facing the rogue]
I put crippling strike as her level 10 rogue skill and opportunist as level 13. This made her pretty offensive. If she doesn't kill the enemy in her sneak at least she has reduced its strength. The opportunist helps her cut down enemy casters (attacks of opportunity) and just in general she gets a few attacks of opportunity because she moves around a little in combat to get sneaks (not always but sometimes).
At the end of the game there isn't really chests and more enemies are immune to sneak attack. So if you get bored of her at first you WILL get to use other characters later, especially casters since casters get pretty insane power by the end.
[Note: rogues get sneak attacks whenever the enemy is not facing the rogue]
I put crippling strike as her level 10 rogue skill and opportunist as level 13. This made her pretty offensive. If she doesn't kill the enemy in her sneak at least she has reduced its strength. The opportunist helps her cut down enemy casters (attacks of opportunity) and just in general she gets a few attacks of opportunity because she moves around a little in combat to get sneaks (not always but sometimes).
At the end of the game there isn't really chests and more enemies are immune to sneak attack. So if you get bored of her at first you WILL get to use other characters later, especially casters since casters get pretty insane power by the end.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Heh thats funny, because i just killed...
Ellane, i was playing an evil charicter, and she was around the same level as me, i realy didnt want to use her much, so i just recomended her charictder page to death, but when i saw her elemental form, I quickly punched myself in the mouth.
And then that other sage druid guy, he did this huuuuge thunderstorm thing, it pralyzed us, and knocked us down. But after i got to him once he was down too.
But I never knew that druids could be so powerfull, it was probably a fool choice on my part.
So yeah your right, wizards get the craziest powers around the end of the first story, after I finish MotB, im probably going to play a Wizard/Cleric combo, see how that works out.
Ellane, i was playing an evil charicter, and she was around the same level as me, i realy didnt want to use her much, so i just recomended her charictder page to death, but when i saw her elemental form, I quickly punched myself in the mouth.
And then that other sage druid guy, he did this huuuuge thunderstorm thing, it pralyzed us, and knocked us down. But after i got to him once he was down too.
So yeah your right, wizards get the craziest powers around the end of the first story, after I finish MotB, im probably going to play a Wizard/Cleric combo, see how that works out.
I like Elanee for grinds where you have limited resting between enemies. If you give her persistent spell you can cast mass lesser vigor which makes the whole party regenerate. I also give her persistent body of the sun which is kind of nice against undead and she has stoneskins and lightning attacks not to mention elemental legion mass drown and other goodies. But the barkskin is awesome early on. My first runs through the game I had trouble in the thugs warehouse early on but with a lot of barkskin and stoneskins its no problem.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Yeah, ive learnt to make my spell casters use stone skin on themselves, and they can end up tanking for a good while, which realy suprised me. I didnt have to worry about them so much, but im not realy a big buff user, this may be a problem, but im to accustomed to just rushing in with rage to care about buffs, sence half of my enemies are already dead
, I realy dont even pre-buff when boss fights i can prepare for start. So I guess im just a "Leroy Jenkins" on my charicter