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Useful behaviours

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Useful behaviours

Post by Torinir »

I noticed a couple of odd behaviours that I found I could capitalize on.

1) If there is a deep body of water between you and a ground creature and you are on land, it will advance toward you through the water. Once you enter the water, it will stop. If its head is underwater, eventually it will drown and you get credited with the kill.

2) Ranged attacks are more accurate when your target is outside of autotarget range. Aiming your shots is harder, but there's little to no flight deviation so you can spam hits, even on small profile targets. Good for areas with a high visibility range and a high scouting rank to locate targets. I sniped the drakes in the nesting area at near max visibility, never drew aggression from them, and never missed a shot (unless they switched from ground to flight and back.)
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Post by bandit11 »

Haha, this is funny. I was going to post a thread telling everyone of the exact same 'cheat'. I like to use the water one at moonbeast Island. The little island that only moonbeasts spawn on is where I swim to when some appear on land. then they start to run towards you once you set foot on the island, then just enter the water and they stop. However, it takes a very long time for them to I get close enough for melee attack, but not close enough for them to hit you. So you just continue batting them around until you kill them. Be careful not to get too close however, or they will hit you!

I also kill the drakes the same way you do, I get close enough to hit them, but not so you/they can see one another. If you get too close to a nest-guarding drake, they will spit at you, but they won't leave their nests.

You probably already know about jumping on rocks so you can hit enemies but they won't hit you.
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