Getting Draedric Cresent(possible spoiler)
Getting Draedric Cresent(possible spoiler)
Ok, so I look up a web site for more cheats when I saw that it said if you kill the daedra at Tel Fry tower, there will be a daedric necklace of sancturay. If you wear it, you will be teleported to a shrine somewhere, and then you kill some lord daedric. After you kill him, you get a pretty kicka$$ hook sword thing. The thing I want to know is, was there anything in that shrine? And would you have a chance to search his body.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he just stares them down until they give him information.
To get the Daedric Crescent, go to Tel Fyr, find Divayth Fyr (make sure you have some levitate spells or potions). On his right there is a small chest. Pick the lock (no sneaking needed) and take the amulet inside. You'll be transported to Magas Volar where you have to kill a Dremora lord. IIRC, once you kill him, you'll have the weapon in your inventory and be transported right back.
Alternately you can do the main quest, get to Divayth eventually, do the quest and get the amulet from Divayth.
Alternately you can do the main quest, get to Divayth eventually, do the quest and get the amulet from Divayth.
She says: Lou, it's the Beginning of a Great Adventure