This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
I live in Scotland, UK and I'm playing the game at this moment in time. I have followed the instruction (I'm using a keyboard which is US not British, so I don't have the pound mark) what I press is ` the DebugMode 1 then i type in dm_givegold #9999999 like so and when I check my inventory NO Money also SetSTR, etc. doesn't work but if i type givexp #------ this works. Can someone HELP me, (I know we shouldn't use cheats) to resolve this problem.
The version I'm using is V 1.013 (1409) Final AUG 1 2008.
I have him selected but I don't think this is what you mean. Could you tell me how to target my character. These cheat, all of them work fine with NWN 1, but with NWN 2 only a few work. Thank you.
I right collect the portrait the right of the screen, then another popped up on the left and then entered the chea's I wanted to put in and it works fine.
Who ever worked out the cheat's should've put this instruction in, for this helps you allot.
Thank you GoldDragon for helping me, you're a saint.
can you people please write a version of the cheat that you are referring to in a form of english that a beginner can understand .
I know your way ahead of me in this stuff but I would like to learn from you