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Wow...what a game!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Wow...what a game!

Post by scaryogre »

I bought these games when they were first released and they sat on my shelf forever. After a recent job loss I picked them up and just finished BG1 with EasyTutu (much to my wife's chagrin).

While BG1 was fun, I am totally floored with BG2. It's a very polished game thus far. I have been playing for 14 hours or so and am making my way to Windspear Hills and enjoying it immensely.

Anyway, if anyone would care to comment I would really like some input on when to dual class my fighter to a fighter/thief? Here are his vitals:

Fighter: Level 8
STR 18/00 (natural roll)
DEX 18
CON 18
INT 10
CHA 18 - Via the Ring of Human Influence

I'd appreciate any advice.



P.S. I chose not to import my previous character to BG2. In BG1 I was a Fighter/Mage/Thief and it always felt as if I was an apprentice to Imoen once I dual classed her to Thief/Mage. I figured this time around I would go Fighter/Thief for some extra "oomph".
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Post by Crenshinibon »

If you have the ToB expansion installed and planning to go all the way through, I'd suggest to dual class at level fourteen, so that you have established a "warrior presence" for yourself. Even if you don't have the expansion, you'll be able to advance all the way up to level seventeen as a thief.

If you're looking for a more combat oriented stealth character, try looking at the Stalker kit, under the ranger category. It also has a access to select mage spells as well as a few priest spells, just in case you were looking for something

While you did pick fighter, I suggest you look over the other classes too, just in case you didn't. There are so many and all of them are fun to play.
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Post by kmonster »

You have nearly all fighter benefits at the start at level 7 already (many extra HP, extra thac0, damage and an half attack for weapon specialisation, extra half attack for reaching level 7).
A popular fighter level for dualclassing is 9 which yields the most hitpoints, since as thief you get 8 HP for level 10 while as fighter you get only 3.

The only really useful benefit you get from waiting longer with dualclassing is the extra half attack fighters get at level 13, but you'll need 2,130,000 XP (most of the game will be over then) instead of 410,000 XP until dualclassing is complete and you'll have to spend 1,000,000 extra XP for fighter levels, so even after dualclassing is complete you'll still suffer from having 4-5 less thief levels which will effect thieving skills (and HLAs if you've ToB).
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