I was browsing around Tom's Hardware and came across the article about [url="http://www.tomshardware.com/news/swarovski-eazo-pc,6600.html"]PCs adorned with Swarovski crystals[/url]. Made by a Chinese company by the name of Eazo.
I like playing games on the PC, but this is ridiculous.
P.S. Can someone edit the title? I left out some words just now.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
DesR85 wrote:
P.S. Can someone edit the title? I left out some words just now.
"There is no weakness in honest sorrow... only in succumbing to depression over what cannot be changed." --- Alaundo, BG2
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Do I have to become a crystal too to play it? Just kidding. Thats amazing. When I was in school I heard about someones research where atoms would be the thing that is switched from 1 to 0 and each atom would have 7 states instead of 2. Hard to process atoms into an architecture was the main problem.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Have to say, it looks nice.. but I'm more interested in the guts of a machine and how well it is made.
But hey, for those people who have 70 K just lying about without a good home, I say, go for it!
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Spoiler
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url="http://bit.ly/foT0XQ"]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
Hmm, I remember one guy told me of one-use computers made of PAPER several years ago. I laughed at him then, but now that I think of it, he was kinda serious...