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Fallout Walkthrough

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within the Fallout series.
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Fallout Walkthrough

Post by Uvinity »

I had a question for the moderator or the site owner.
Is there any way there could be a FL3 walkthrough on gamebanshee, or would that be way to much work.
I would be very delighted if there came one, cause sometimes it's really handy for a backup of the game.

Please do not take this as critic, cause I really appreciate what you guys are doing, and I hope you could continue doing it for a very long time.
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Post by Gunda »

There is already a thread for this see here.... ... 04222.html
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Post by UncleScratchy »


I've been able to locate a few walkthroughs for FO3 by Googling it. Not sure how accurate or thorough they are though but they've been somewhat helpful, especially in locating the Bobbleheads and for doing some sidequests.
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Post by Gunda »

I posted a complete list of the locations of the bobbleheads HEre : ... 04524.html It took me a bit to find them all and I didn't give the exact spots but I at least gave the PoI's that they are located in so if you get there and you didn't find it keep looking.

I'm considering working on A Walk through of sorts for each location but not sure how long it will take. The game is pretty open ended exploration and each person will find ways that work for them and may even find things I missed or other wise over looked. It has been a consideration I have been toying with. I've already been taking Screen shots, but am not as internet savey as I'd like to be to set something up, and would hate to set a thread up with screen shots taking up tons of space before the wonderful folks here at Gamebanshee get a chance to do it. The walk through's for the other games I play that I found on this site were so useful, I had to join to share insight, thoughts or other considerations.
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Post by swcarter »

We just opened up our Fallout 3 content today. The [url=""]walkthrough[/url] is still in its (very) early stages, but the [url=""]equipment database[/url] is basically complete, and among other things it shows the locations of the bobbleheads.

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Post by Gunda »

There's a Shishkabab Schemetic at a small shack due west of Sat-Com NN-03d on a table opposite a workbench, I found Outcast members near the small shack.

That's sweet you guys got it started. The Item ID numbers will make things useful as well. Very cool, Thanks guys!
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Post by fallout3lover »

you can dl a walkthrough here:
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