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SOL is a legend, not a shadow

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SOL is a legend, not a shadow

Post by mdjh »

Hey guys, a period of game experience I’d like to share with you here.

I’ve played WoW for 2 years, then I moved to SOL several months ago, now I find it really rewarding. I did not leave WoW because I got bored of it,rather that SOL took me away from it. I did all the quests that are to be done, visited every corner of the maps, as the game got more and more demanding and time-consuming, I took a break to play non online RPGs. I played childish games on the PSP and even mobile phones; it was a refreshing shift for me, however, sooner I felt the need to play something to keep myself really engaged. But by no mean shallow rubbishes, I wanted something tough and complex.

I took notice of Shadow of Legend and found out that there is a lot of individualism that I love so much. So I started playing SOL. The community is helpful and user friendly. You get to level 10 very quickly, and the newbie village is very comfortable, where all the newbies are in and you learn random things as you quest and play. The chatting system works like a marvel; you can bring up any stupid questions, people would kinda compete to give you the answer. Crafting is also unique, and you can regard that as separated individual games per se. Combating is quite different from many other games; you have many options on how to fight the mobs. Individual heroism is hard but extremely satisfying once you do it. Questing is varied as well, you get some good equipment from quests to keep you up but you may still want to check the market for some upgrades. The quest log is very well explained, as the quest content is huge, probably you may level much faster than to do them all. Spell system is very intriguing and it grows more complicated as you level up.

It has to be mentioned that, this game is characterized by a great deal of NPCs, who volunteer or get paid to help you with upgrading, crafting, or job-shift.

Similar to some MMOs, an Item Mall has been set up to promote trading. You have to earn the diamond to buy some valuable goods.

The game is a little bit deeper and more complex than other MMORPGs but it is very rewarding. I'm enjoying every bit of the game. If you are a hardcore player, you will just love SOL.

Furthermore, it’s said that the game is going 2.5D weeks later in October; I can’t wait to see what would come out of it.
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Post by WarriorOfSol »

I'll have to try this...

I've heard of the game before, but I don't think I ever went and downloaded it. From what you're saying though, it seems like an amazing game, and I would love to try it.
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Post by Dereth »

Ehm. I just got back from work and I can't sleep due to the coffee, so please excuse me if this question seems dumb. But what is SOL?
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Post by fable »

There already is a thread about SOL in our MMORPG forum, Mdjh, and you've posted in it. It was also moved to that forum after being started elsewhere by another moderator. Please use it for your posts, rather than starting a new thread.

Thread closed.
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