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how force sight?

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how force sight?

Post by nhilo »

Hey people,

I am a kotor veteran as you might say,.. i have played both games many times, but it has been a long time sinds i played. So now i started again and forgot how you could let visas teach you force sight... i am kind of stuck in conversation and can pretty much only talk about her master. I never lost her influence and never get the message influence failure... is something suposed to happen in the story to unlock the coversation or what?

thanks in advance!

(another quick question: can you train the diciple to be a jedi as a dark side player if you're nice to him couse there is one conversation when everything you say couses the los of infuence)
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Post by GawainBS »

IIRC, the Force Sight conversation is buggy. Team Gizka solved it, though.
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