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Detecting Traps?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale and its Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions.
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Detecting Traps?

Post by Fyrendos »

Im new here so i dont know how this is usually done, but here goes nothing.

Ive installed both the original icewinddale and HoW, im playing through the campaign from start till end straight and im playing on a Windows Vista operating system.

There is the details.

The problem is that my thief for some reason wont detect any traps -.-
This have been going on from the start but now its really starting to get on my nerves.

Trapdetection spells are also inefective, and im starting to wonder, could it be Vista? it would seem very strange to me, since the game is running fine exept of that.

Ive been thinking of pathing the game, to see if that helps.

If anyone else has expirienced the same, or have some suggestions please be so kind to answer this post :)

Many thanks
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

Hmmm.. just to eliminate possibilities, you don't by any chance have a fighter/thief wearing something stronger than leather do you?

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Post by Crenshinibon »

Also, to eliminate possibilities, what is your Find Traps skill level?

Where are you trying to detect them, as some traps cannot be disarmed.
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Post by Fyrendos »

Wow thanks for quick responses :P

First of all ive tried updating witch changed nothing.

To answer the first question. all my classes are pure, i like it best that way.

and the second one. Does Studded leather count as stronger then leather? in that case ill try to run around a bit nakid! :P

About skill level and where. my thiefs skill level is 80%, thats the way it is displayed atleast, and im trying to detect traps at the last level of Dragonseye. as you porbably know that place is piled with DAMN powerfull traps, thats why it started bothering me that my thief aint finding any traps :p

Ive also tried installing the game on my XP computer, still the same problem -.- starting to anoy me.

Ok now i can detect traps by spells, but my thief is still no use. how do i make it detect traps, or how high should the skill be? is there som special button you need to press?
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Post by kmonster »

No armor pure class thieves can wear does affect their thieving skills in a negative way. 80 percent trapfinding skills is definitely enough.

You have to select the thief and click the button for trap searching/disarming, as long it is highlighted the thief searches for traps.
Just like the cleric spell it can take quite some time until the traps are highlighted since the skill is checked only once per round (which is 7 seconds IIRC).
If you have a script assigned to your thief and the AI enabled it might also interfere with trapfinding.
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Post by Fyrendos »

TahdaHH!!!! the trap finding button! that was all i needed to know XD
had totally forgotten it even existed XD

Thanks it was a great help!
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Post by LastDanceSaloon »

I know exactly where you're coming from here. Getting used to the Thief's buttons and skills is a game in itself, lol. It's only at the end of my second run through of Icewind Dale, and fourth over-all Icewind Group of Games using a thief that I've finally taken time out to get to know all their little tricks.

Trick 1: Open locks.
The easiest and learnt first. Press the thieving skills button and hold the cursor over a locked door or cabinet/chest, then click on said door/chest. Thief runs over and unlocks.

Trick 2: Detect traps.
The next main reason why you have a thief in the team. Press the trap detect button and stand still. After about 10 seconds (I run my mouse around the area being detected just to make sure the comp hasn't fallen asleep) and all the near-by traps turn red. Then click the thieving skills button and hold the cursor over the trap and click. The thief runs over and disarms the trap. It's best to check everything for traps once you know an area is trap infested or suspect it might be. Normally areas either have lots of traps or none at all. The odd occasional exception.

Trick 3: Hide in Shadows.
Press the hide button and wait for your thief to go invisible, then run him/her round the board until spotted as if under invisibility spell. Drawback - becoming visible in the middle of a group of Boneguard Skeletons! Main aset (only just discovered by me at the end of this current run after reading about everyone's exploits with the Backstab ability. Backstab delivers an almighty damage to an opponent, often killing them in one strike or at least halving their HP. To backstab - go into hide in shadows mode, move to directly behind the bad guy, as close as possible without turning your cursor into the sword image, then pause, then click on the bad guy once. The screen will say 'leaving shadows' and you'll deliver an almighty blow. Great fun, but not used much by me, maybe I'll look for more uses now I know how it works if I run through again.

Trick 4: Pick Pocket
Click thieving skills and hold the cursor over an NPC (Non-Playing-Character ie: Good Guy) and the cursor turns into a little bag. Click the NPC and the thief will run over to them and pick thier pocket. If it goes wrong all the Good Guys will turn against you and the game will be all but over, lol, though some you can get away with.

I invest all my thieving skills in find traps and pick locks. Then when they are max'ed I put them in Hide skill. There's lots of clothing and rings which also improve hide, but few that help with the other areas. Picking Pockets cannot compete with the other skills for over-all game use, and it's much safer to cheat and see what other people have found on-line before you risk picking anyone's pocket.
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