I started KotORII again. I'm having the exact same two bugs as last time.
First is about the Player's Crystal. Its description says "Neutral", but I'm fully Lightsided! I posted a thread about it a few month ago. Same thing now.
Second bug is that I've talked to Bao-Dur several times, and now I only get the option "Never mind", when I speak to him again. Not even an option to train him.
Anybody got an idea what could be happining here? I've installed the latest patches and all available Team Gizka fixes.
I'm getting the same thing with Bao Dur at the moment, though I don't have a fix for it...I defended Mandalore's battlefield bragadoccio in a conversation between the two, so I thought maybe Bao was just sulking :laugh:
Now I'm having the same bug with Mira. Did her conversations, got a lot of influence (about 83, according to an editor), and when I pass by the Force Vision spot on Nar Shaddaa, nothing happens.
I didn't even get that dialogue to offer her to show the place. I've gone through the "Why don't you kill?" questions, made the Awareness check, etc.
I find this so strange, since in earlier playthoughs, I had no such problems.
You need at least 90 influence to convert partymembers. Bao-Dur doesn't have much to say anyways. Get his influence high enough and you will be able to convert him. Same goes for Mira.
For those who have the same problem as me with Mira: I found the solution. Apparently, you have to talk to her when aboard the Ebon Hawk, and go the dialogue route of the ships engines and their noise.
GawainBS wrote:
First is about the Player's Crystal. Its description says "Neutral", but I'm fully Lightsided! I posted a thread about it a few month ago. Same thing now.
Glad you sorted out the second problem. I can't find the thread you posted on this - not to ask the obvious question, but are you giving the crystal to Kreia to reallign for you each time you shift towards LS/DS?
I'm getting a similar bug to mira, which i can't seem to figure out. Her influence is defiantly at 100 and I'm able to follow the conversation line which leads to me offering to show her sometime and her agreeing then me offering to 'Come with me let me show you what kriea showed me' and her agreeing to 'all right but i doubt your going to show me anything I dont already know,'
I cant figure out where to go on from here to convert her.