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Backwards View Melee

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Backwards View Melee

Post by J-Sun »

So I'm new here...
I have two problems.

The first is that I can't seem to enable the console. Could someone go over that again for me? I seem to be doing something wrong.

Two (and this is the big one)... When I enter melee, the view changes so that I am facing my character, which makes it really hard to see who I'm fighting. Sometimes it does this, sometimes not, but mostly when I get to the big bosses at the end. It doesnt do it for ranged weapons, but I'm having a heckova time trying to kill the Sheriff with ranged weapons alone. I've got the 5.9 patch installed. Anyone know what I am doing wrong, or how to fix this? (thanks)
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Post by Wesp5 »

J-Sun wrote: The first is that I can't seem to enable the console. Could someone go over that again for me? I seem to be doing something wrong.
You need to add -console to the game shortcut and then use the ~ key from the main menu.
Two (and this is the big one)... When I enter melee, the view changes so that I am facing my character, which makes it really hard to see who I'm fighting.
This is because the unofficial patch uses the numpad keys to move the camera so you probably definded some of these for other things as well. Either change that or remove the camera commands from the config file.
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Post by J-Sun »

I tried adding the -console after the game shortcut, and it didnt work. The ~ key doesnt do anything. Does playing on a laptop make a difference? The ~ key is above the ` symbol. Do I press shift + `, then? Its not a huge deal, but it does mean I cant do any of the things that would fix my camera angle.

Thanks for the advice on fixing the camera angle. If I can, I look forward to giving that a shot. :)
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Post by J-Sun »

Okay, don't I feel stupid. You have to start the game from the shortcut; you can't let it self-load. Okay. Got the console up and running.

I'm computer illiterate, largely, so how do I remove the camera commands from the config file? Or how do I use the numpad keys to change the camera angle? Cheers!
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Post by Wesp5 »

J-Sun wrote: I'm computer illiterate, largely, so how do I remove the camera commands from the config file? Or how do I use the numpad keys to change the camera angle? Cheers!
To remove the commands delete all lines in the autoexec.cfg with the word cam in them. To move the camera inside the game, just try the numpad keys and watch.
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Post by J-Sun »

Wesp5 wrote:To remove the commands delete all lines in the autoexec.cfg with the word cam in them. To move the camera inside the game, just try the numpad keys and watch.
Ah. Thanks! I will give that a shot. I guess I can always put them back if they dont work.

My problem is that I have a laptop, and I dontr have a number pad. I have two keys that do affect things:

€ seems to mean I am looking at the front end of the character.
$ seems to mean I am looking at the left side of my character.

Sadly, the other two directions I cannot get. I am sure that on a real keyboard I would not have this problem. Ideally I would just as soon change an existing command so that € or $ made me look at the characters back side (doubly so when playing the malk female).

Combat only gets screwed up when I accidentally hit one of those keys. I am fine until that happens. Once hit, the command is entered and cant be fixed without rebooting, as the view is changed for good to the new view.

Thansk, Wesp5, for all the help. Greatly appreciated! :cool:
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Post by Evolver »

RE: Backwards Melee View

You got a spare USB keyboard? If not, get a cheapo just for gaming...
J-Sun wrote:Ah. Thanks! I will give that a shot. I guess I can always put them back if they dont work.

My problem is that I have a laptop, and I dontr have a number pad. I have two keys that do affect things:

€ seems to mean I am looking at the front end of the character.
$ seems to mean I am looking at the left side of my character.

Sadly, the other two directions I cannot get. I am sure that on a real keyboard I would not have this problem. Ideally I would just as soon change an existing command so that € or $ made me look at the characters back side (doubly so when playing the malk female).

Combat only gets screwed up when I accidentally hit one of those keys. I am fine until that happens. Once hit, the command is entered and cant be fixed without rebooting, as the view is changed for good to the new view.

Thansk, Wesp5, for all the help. Greatly appreciated! :cool:
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Post by J-Sun »

Yeah, getting another keyboard fixed the problem. Thanks with that!
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