Does intelligence attribute have any effect on the game if you are not a mage? If you have low intelligence do you lose conversation options (like in Fallout)?
I'm creating a Paladin with this status:
And I'll play him through all Baldur's Gates and their expansions...
So obviusly my intelligence sucks, do I need to reroll even more because I don't want to miss out on conversation or something because my int. is low? Or should I redistribute my status differently??? Or is there another way to increase intelligence?
Playing with 3 int feels the same as playing with 18, you won't miss quests or similar things. Intelligence doesn't really matter for dialogues and dialogues don't really matter in BG which is hack'n'slash compared to Fallout, more entertainment but less character development depth.
You made a very good paladin roll and a perfect stat distribution, so no need to change anything if you chose the weapon profs wisely.
Are you sure? I thought i read somewhere that it does affect some of the conversations in BG2...
Also what should I take for weapon proficiencies? I think I'll go for two handed swords.. For obvious reason of using Holy Avenger... I don't know I'm open for suggestions... Maybe Longswords or Bastard swords (but good ones come late in the game). Also I like Crom Faeyr because of 25 str. Is it a good weapon? Katanas are cool but they don't seem that good in Baldur's Gate, there are far more powerfull weapons...
Aerosmith wrote:Are you sure? I thought i read somewhere that it does affect some of the conversations in BG2...
You may be thinking of Planescape: Torment. There are numerous checks on INT, WIS, and CHA in that game.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
There's a situation in BG2 where you can tell someone that he's telling wrong stories if you have both high int and wis so he goes away and leaves a few GP instead of staying, but that's it.
BG features other weapon proficiencies than BG2, in BG1 I'd start with specialisation in large swords and bows, in BG2 2-handed swords, quarterstaves and shortbows and distribute the rest according to the weapons you find and your other party members' proficiencies.
PS: You really seem to love walkthrough hugging if you plan things around optional events in the game. You can save yourself even more work with this game at the Lets Play Archive :laugh: .
Yes I do love walkthroughs... Meh, I'll start with Two handed swords and Two handed weapon style. And heavy crossbows... Thing is I'll get a few extra weapon proficiency points and i won't know where to put 'em... :laugh: Because as a paladin I can only specialise... Do I get to pick a kit when i import character form BG1? I'll go with Inquisitor or Undead hunter probably...
OK, thx guys (and girls?? ) Just one more thing... What the heck is a speed factor in weapon descriptions, and is it better for it to be a higher or lower number???
Aerosmith wrote:OK, thx guys (and girls?? ) Just one more thing... What the heck is a speed factor in weapon descriptions, and is it better for it to be a higher or lower number???
As soon as combat starts, your character won't immediatly attack. First, a 10 sided die will be rolled (virtually, of course ) your weapon speed or your spell speed will then be added to this number. The 6 second round is split into 20 segments, IIRC, and your number result from the roll mentioned above then decides on when you attack or cast within those 20 segments. (Roll of 1 +speed factor of weapon 9 = 10, which would mean your first attack will be after 3 seconds).
So basically, you want as low a number as possible.
The above is roughly correct, but correct enough that you should be able to make an informed decision.
Don't you have to have a high INT in addition to a high CHA to convince the Drow priestres that you're impotent? This may be important if you're in a romance.