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The Magic Candle

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The Magic Candle

Post by Gilliatt »

I finally decided to give this game a try. I did not like it in the beginning (had problems with having some characters serving as cash cows), but I got used to it and now I like it pretty much.

I would like to know if the 800 days period (fair difficulty) will let me explore every region or if I should hurry. I like taking my time, but would be very frustrated if I cannot finish the game after hours of playing because I did not hurry enough.

I also saw in the manual that there are other characters at The Crystal Castle, so I am wondering if it's a good idea to spend money to increase my current party skills or if I should wait till I make my final party. When can I expect to reach Crystal Castle? About halfway to the game or before?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by fable »

Gilliatt wrote:I would like to know if the 800 days period (fair difficulty) will let me explore every region or if I should hurry. I like taking my time, but would be very frustrated if I cannot finish the game after hours of playing because I did not hurry enough.
You did visit Mikemira on the third level of the Castle, didn't you? She offers to cast a spell that extends your available time by 60 days.
Whether you use this or not, it is certainly possible to do it all in the time allotted. Just don't get too hung up on bringing back new party members to old dungeons you've already visited to raise their stats, unless they're nearby--and remember to have plenty of teleportal ingredients. Really saves time.
I also saw in the manual that there are other characters at The Crystal Castle, so I am wondering if it's a good idea to spend money to increase my current party skills or if I should wait till I make my final party. When can I expect to reach Crystal Castle? About halfway to the game or before?
I have never trained my people in towns. Since their stats rise with use, I simply let them go about their business. I did use town for buying and selling, and to have some of my party members work--especially those I wasn't planning to use. ;) This means my party goes to dungeons for items and quick improvements to attributes and the like. How you configure your party at the start and how soon you travel will really determine what replacements, if any, you select by the time you get to Crystal Castle. I can't really be more exact than that, because the replacements don't suit all your needs, or match up on a one-for-one basis with any configuration of your old team.
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Post by Gilliatt »

Thanks for the answers Fable and thanks for recommending the game! :)

I have a few more questions if you don't mind:

1. Do I need to have cash cows all the game? Right now, I have two cash cows and a four characters party of adventurers. I think about putting everyone in the adventuring party when I go to the first dungeon, Dermagud. Will I be short on money if I do this?

2. Do Learning and Charisma also increase on their own? I have seen Sword, Bow and Magic skills go up during fights, but not the others.

By the way, I already knew about the spoiler, but thanks anyway.
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Post by fable »

Gilliatt wrote:1. Do I need to have cash cows all the game? Right now, I have two cash cows and a four characters party of adventurers. I think about putting everyone in the adventuring party when I go to the first dungeon, Dermagud. Will I be short on money if I do this?
Not at all. You'll find some nice gems in various dungeons, not to mention the random encounters along the way. Provided you're careful in how you use herbs and properly spread out the spellbooks, you should have no trouble with cash.
2. Do Learning and Charisma also increase on their own? I have seen Sword, Bow and Magic skills go up during fights, but not the others.
Both are considered attributes, for the purpose of improvement. They won't rise through use. You have to train them.
By the way, I already knew about the spoiler, but thanks anyway.
Wasn't sure, but it's easily one of the best hints that can be provided for the game.

I've repeatedly asked Ali Atabek over the years to do a remake of the title, but he's always begged off vaguely. I suspect he's no longer interested in the vicissitudes of development, marketing, and publication. :)
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Post by Gilliatt »

Thanks again, Fable. :)
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Post by Gilliatt »

I checked some walkthroughs and tried to take some shortcuts.

*** spolier ***

Tried using the Dermagud teleportal to get to Crystal Castle, take my new companions and get back via Crezimas' teleportal. But I could not make it to the castle, the battles in Yberton were too hard for my party.


So I guess I'll just stop trying to look for shortcuts and enjoy the game as it comes. I'm just wondering if I should buy some spell books now or wait later.
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Post by fable »

Spellbooks? Buy as soon as possible. Every party should have at least 2, ideally 3 or more spellcasters, with different spellbooks that can be swapped out at camp. They're really the key to dealing with everything TMC throws at you. Despite the relative primitiveness of the graphics, the monster AI is actually very good, and I've seen some monster combinations that will devastate even a powerful party lacking in spells. You can do without herbs if you must, but you can't do without spells. :)

Get a good spread of books, too. Zoxinn is my favorite, though several good casters using Demaro can make the entire party invisible for a number of turns--very good when you're facing a number of spellcasting enemies, since spells don't take you out of hiding. You can then teleport melee types that into position that have mirgets and nifts ready, and fireball the enemy team, without worrying about being caught by their spells.
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Post by Gilliatt »

Thanks again Fable. :) I agree, the monster AI is impressive.

I'm into Dermagud now and found a fountain of strength. But everytime I drink from it, my characters receive a + 0 strength. What's the catch? Am I doing something wrong? I tried reloading my game, thinking it could be random, but I've done it three times and it was always a + 0 strength. :confused:
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Post by fable »

Dermagud? Strength? I thought the fountain in Dermagud provided dexterity. Write down all the stats of one of your party members, then have the lot drink, and check that person's stats, again. See which one goes up.
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Post by Gilliatt »

So far, I have seen two fountains in Dermagud (strength and agility), both granted me with a nice + 0 increase. (I wrote down the stats of one character and nothing changed.)

I made a Google search and found out that someone asked the question on the Abandonia forums. Somebody else pointed that it may be because you need to awake the god before the fountains increase your stats. I'll finish the dungeon and see if that's the case.
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Post by fable »

It might be god-related. I recall that in the later MC titles, the god themselves would grant stat improvements, but I can't swear that's the way it was done in the original MC. I haven't played it too recently, but did MC3 and Bloodstone within the last couple of years, again.
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Post by Gilliatt »

I just finished Dermagud.

It's seems so obvious now that I know what was the problem. :o
Gods don't increase stats, they increase their maximum and then you need to drink from the fountains to see your actual stats increase. So before I saw the god, I could not raise my stats since they were already at their max.

I made it to Crystal Castle and will change some characters. I was thinking of having only one wizard and giving the other spellbooks to Lukas and my elf. Does it sound like a good idea to you?
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Post by fable »

Definitely. After all, you can get a well-rounded character can still get some real magic power going, plus being able to use a good bow or sword/axe. I've always tended to work with one mage, and 2-3 well-rounded types. A variety of spellbooks, too, is essential.
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Post by Gilliatt »

Thanks again Fable. :)

I'm beginning to understand the game better now, so I'll try to ask you less questions from now on.
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Post by fable »

I don't mind, so if you need help--just ask. :)

Fun game, in any case. Really raised a lot of attention. Despite being almost unknown today, it was a bestseller through TMC 3. The tile-based interface eventually killed it, but there's a ton of solid gameplay inside each product.
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Post by Gilliatt »

Thanks again.

I have noticed that Bloodstone is harder to find. Now that you say the game was popular till MC3, I understand why. I am still searching for an original copy in mint condition. I have the Slash version, but the manual is cheaper and I would like to get the real thing.
Dr. Stein grows funny creatures, lets them run into the night.
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