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Emails from a friend.

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Emails from a friend.

Post by CeciliaOfSweden »

Is there anyone that have screenshots or saved the text from the emails you get from "a friend" in the game? I had only saved one of them all on my Toreador that's the highest level of my characters and I thought "Easy as that then, I just load her, go to her appartment and check the emails there."

But ofcorse, it was not that easy *sigh* So if someone could give me a link or write them all down and post them here, I will be very thankful.

I also wonder who your "friend" is. It could be Jack, or Beckett, because he's been following you/being at the same places at you from the very beginning.

~ Cecilia
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Post by CeciliaOfSweden »

Seriously, I have been trying too find it myself and all I end up with is cheatcodes, or the lost of all the passwords in the game. It is very annoying.

Email #1, Anyhow is this:
<Subject> The opening
<From> a friend (althou, this is kind of obvious)

The game begins. A pawn is moved.
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Post by Wesp5 »

Just look into vampire/vdata/hackterminals/haven_pc.txt!
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Post by Minalkali »

I had them compiled because I wanted figure out what they were all in response to... turns out I couldn't be bothered doing that. Here they all are anyway.

Subject: The opening
Sender: a friend
Body: The game begins. A pawn is moved.

Subject: The first move
Sender: a friend
Body: The white king moves to protect his pawn.

Subject: A sacrifice
Sender: a friend
Body: A bishop is sacrificed for the king.

Subject: A gambit
Sender: a friend
Body: A gambit has been played. The king leaves himself open.

Subject: The cost
Sender: a friend
Body: The cost of an attack is often paid later.

Subject: The queen
Sender: a friend
Body: Beware the black queen.

Subject: The campaign
Sender: a friend
Body: The success of a campaign is weighed by the commitment of your opponent.

Subject: The white bishop
Sender: a friend
Body: The white bishop falls.

Subject: The endgame
Sender: a friend
Body: The position of your pieces is the key to the endgame.

Subject: The master
Sender: a friend
Body: A true master has played the entire game before the first move.

Subject: Some advice
Sender: a friend
Body: Don't open it.
You can't spell success without whatever the hell my name is!
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Sir Twist
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Post by Sir Twist »

The first one you get right after you sign into your e-mail, and read through them. It's possible to receive it after you read the note sent by Max. But I am unsure if that note triggers the e-mail, or what. I do have my suspicions as to whom sent it to you, but I won't say, as it can be a spoiler.
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